TO ALL MY READERS!! The thing about writing...

when someone pours their heart and soul out onto a blank page, and then posts it up on a site like this, they want feedback. did you like it? did it suck? what was so bad about it? what can i do to make it better? every poem ive read ive commented on because i know that to have a comment about a poem you wrote is a really really good feeling. i dont know about other writers but i write to create feelings in the readers. i write to share what im feeling and to see if i can create a tone that is the total opposite of my feelings. i write to create. and i have no idea if im doing that effectively if i dont have feedback. wether it be good or bad, trust me I WANT TO KNOW. i want to make my poems and stories as good as they can be and i really really really want to improve as a writer. so to those people who take the time to read my journals and poems and stories thank you thank you thank you soo incredibly much. you dont know how much i appreciate it but please, for my sake will you please comment and tell me what you think? it'll help me a ton. thanks guys for everythin. LUV YALL! <3
August 23rd, 2008 at 10:59pm