The Joker (Rant)

Okay, so...

Because of The Dark Knight, a lot of people are "bandwagoning" onto Batman. I have accepted this and do not care anymore. Not EVERYONE watched the show and read the comics when they were kids like I did. That is not their fault, and it's cool they got into it now. (THough I really DO recommend you check all that shit out cos it's awesomely amazing)

Because of The Dark Knight, a lot of people are now "in love" with The Joker. Know what? I don't care about that either, cos I am in love with him, too and I'm a GUY! So whatever. I don't mind that.


Because of The Dark Knight, I am seeing an increasing number of "Joker Love Stories". THIS I cannot stand! "Why, Chase?", you ask? Well I'll tell you. It's really very simple.

THE JOKER IS A SOCIOPATH! I don't know if anyone on this site has ever heard the definition of a sociopath, but many very clearly don't act like it. Here is the definition.

sociopath [(soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-uh-path)]
Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.

Now, kiddies. Does this SOUND like someone who falls in love, smitten with the gorgeous and perfectly punk girl? NO!

Now, Chase, some might say, the ORIGINAL Joker was not a sociopath, just a cooky and rather entertaining villain. This is true, indeed. But no one on this site I've read that is writing a love story with The Joker really seems to be writing on the cartoon, un-sexy Joker.

If you're gonna make him the smexy sociopathic Joker a-la-Dark Knight, then you're gonna have to accept the fact he'll never fall in love with a chick cos LOVE requires COMPASSION, and a SOCIOPATH by DEFINITION is INCAPABLE OF COMPASSION.

Those of you sitting there saying "Well hell he just uses MY fictional chick as a sex toy and doesnt give a shit about her, so why is Chase yelling at me?!"--- I respect your stories as they are accurate and I do not begrudge you. You're perfectly within the realm of what I consider informed.

Now still yet some of you are probably sitting there saying "Who is this guy to say what I can and can not write!? If I wanna write an unreasonable and by definition impossible love story between a girl and a sociopath who is he to stop me?!
--You're right. I can't stop you. And maybe it's not my place to call your story unreasonable. But I'm just saying this cos it's bugging the CRAP out of me.

Sorry if I offended anyone. I love you all, and hope this isn't taken the wrong way...hahahaha!

August 24th, 2008 at 12:39am