My Super Awesome Fabulous Fantastic Adventure-Filled Weekend!!!!!! :D

So, I noticed I've done some ranting lately, and I want to take time to appreciate my awesome weekend. I mean so far it's been pretty badass.

Sooooo let's start with this morning. I slept. The end. I love sleeping! I woke up at like....3?

Now onto the afternoon where the action begins. So, I had to drive my sister Marie to her ballet rehearsal.. @.@ Ohwell that was mildly entertaining. I picked up my friend Deana on the way there and we had fun joking around and stuff. And... Marie just kind of hung out in the back. Then I dropped her off and then me 'n Deana went guessed it....SUPER WAL*MART!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omg they just built it and wooooow it's AMAZING! THERE IS A HAIR SALON IN THERE!!!! I made Deana get her hair cut there. I also convinced her to let them dye it bright orangy red. It was HAWT. She looks like a fucking bombshell now all cos of my powers of persuasion.

And THEN we decided to get makeovers, so we went to the clothes part and I made her dress all goth-y and she made me dress all was FANTASTIC!!!! I even put all sorts of crazy makeup on her...twas INSANE. And then we went and got food.... PIZZA FTW!!!!!!

So then we went back to my place and hung out...she's still here...we're reading Dr. Seuss books aloud and making perve jokes about them. Didnt know that was possible did you? HAHA! She's taking a shower at the moment actually which is why I am writing this cos I'm bored and waiting for her to get back.... She takes FOREVER but she's singing Britney Spears really loudly and off-key in the shower so it's mildly entertaining. (She likes to sing it cos she says it's the best to laugh at yourself to. Can't argue that) Anyway I'm just happy and I cant wait cos we're gonna go to Coldstone and get ice cream and---YAY SHE'S OUT!!!!!

Talk to you awesomely amazing people laterz!!!! <3


August 24th, 2008 at 02:44am