I've lost my mind.


I think I've finally lost my mind.
So today was just not my day, well more like the past week just wasn't good for me.
1st- First day of school was Wednesday, thank god it was only for freshmen. I've never had to deal with a combination lock in my life. My Locker is a combination lock. It doesn't open for me.
2nd-My dad hasn't been sleeping. So he has been in a FINE mood. I don't think I've gone a DAY in the past month where he hasn't found something to scream at me about.
3rd-The first 3 weeks of school freshmen have to share a locker with a senior until they put our lockers in bang_head.gif

So yesterday, after my senior had opened the locker and we were packing up she left and I finished putting all my books in my bag and closed it, locking it. I walked out to the bus and realized that i forgot a book in my locker that i needed. So i had 10 minutes to run back in and grab it, i get in there and put in the combination.
So after about 8 minutes of fighting with it I give up and run out to the bus and get on right before we leave. So I forgot a book in my locker that i needed, no big i have friends in that class that for the book i can ask what the questions were. Although i never read the book. And the book is in my locker duh.gif
so today i spent running to every library in town looking for this stupid book that apparently EVERY SCHOOL is having kids read. So i didn't find it and when I got home i called this one girl i know and she brought it to me, which i found more than necessary. I was ready to go to her house and get it and her mom said that they would drop it off. (I felt REALLY bad!) So anyway i was at my grandparent's house who live next door and i came home to get some stuff and tell my dad a story about my day. And so what does he do....
FLIPS OUT ON ME! (you would think i would know better!) So I'm at my breaking point and when he said that if i forgot one more thing that he was taking everything from me and DING breaking point was it. So i started crying from frustration and when I got inside (he was outside working on his motor cycle) i flipped out, i started screaming and crying and punching walls and kicking my door which hit my saddle rack which put a dent in my wall( ashamed0002.gif ) So after my breakdown I went back over to my grandparents and went to church which the whole time my first were balled and I think i broke the skin with my nail on one hand, but anyway so after that i worked on the thing that i forgot at school from 6 to 9. So now, i'm tired, pissed off, and still at my breaking point and I still have to go out and feed our older dog that poops on the porch that she lives on everyday, so I was cursing her under my breath cause i hate walking by the side of my house at night so i walk through the house with the lovely gifts and my dad goes, "Elizabeth, relax. You seem really stressed."
And I kid you not my face went from this---> -.- to rolling on the floor laughing

I just started cracking up, and I honestly have no idea why. Apperantly it was funny, made dad just looked at me like I was high.

Sorry this was a rant, but i am like ready to punch a few walls and my dad.
I really think I'm crazy, i keep waiting for the little voices to start talking to me
August 24th, 2008 at 05:31am