omg i cant believe that the summer is almost done!!!
i can't wait!!!

okay i was out for my run yesterday and i decided to run 8km instead of six, so i had to go along the highway. so i ran the 4 km in towards the town near by then turned around but on the way back about a km to the dock i started from these dogs came out onto the highway and started chasing me. I'm not the type of person thats scared by dogs, but when i had three dogs running after me and barking at me i was scared shitless! my grandmother had to come save me. but by the time she got to me some lady had already stopped and yelled at the dogs to go home. and i walked as fast as i could away from the area. the lady turned around and yelled back to me and told me that they don't bite. i really wanted to yell to her asking if the dogs know that!! i was like so scared i ended up bursting out in tears:(


but anyways my mommy is up till Thursday than my my mom and brother are going home for me to register and get Shelby than where going to Hamilton to meet my dad and get Care!!!!
ahhh i cant wait!!!

but in more good news my mom finally brought my camera up!!! and i got my new cell phone today!!! ... i think shelby is a physic because i had just turned my new cell on 10 minutes before she texted me ... lol

if you didn't see it before my numbers (416) 629-1216 feel free to text me but make sure you add your name and user name for mibba in the text.... lol i hate being confused!! and shelby knows first hand how confused i get... lol

well my mother is tired and she is sharing a room with me and i called the inside so i must go to bed.

i will try to update all my stories before Thursday and i have started a new story but i haven't posted it yet cause im going to make the chapters really long but that means i wont be posting as often because i'm trying to end some story's i have posted... i know you may think theres not much i have up for them but i have ALOT more written in my note books that i haven't typed up yet so ill try to do that.

I LOVE YOU CLARE!!!! I LOVE YOU TOO SHELBY!!! (and everyone else)

-love- -hugs- -kisses- -all that other shyt!-
August 24th, 2008 at 05:45am