Past week, new story and such.

This semester has been going seriously fast. I really want time to slow down. I've nearly finished my first year of Uni. Do you know how weird that feels?

I mean, this time last year I was preparing to do my HSC in two months. It's a bit weird to think about it. ...And it was also this time last year when I became a mod on GSB and started talking to Dujo. It's gone really fast.

Time needs to learn to slow down. It needs to slow down back to how it was when I was in primary school. When one week felt like a month. I'd have more time to do stuff then.


On Monday after Uni I walked up to JB HiFi as I wanted to buy Mario Kart Wii as well as a CD for my sister. Because I'm nice like that. My oh my, I'd forgotten how long it takes to walk up there. ....It doesn't help that I basically powerwalked the whole way because I wanted to arrive home before dark. I finished at 3, and the train takes about an hour to get home. So I had to get up to JB and on the train home by at least 4 so I'd make it home by 5. I made it with plenty of time to spare. Thanks to power walking.

They didn't have the CD though, so I just bought Mario Kart and spent the whole next day playing it. Fun times.


On Friday I have a feeling I was smiling like a maniac during class due to a hilarious website I was looking at the night before. It was something on LJ, telling the story of one of the Twilight books. It was surprising how funny it was, considering I haven't read the books...


OH! I've also started to write a story. It's an original fiction. And it's a science fiction type. And, because you're nice enough to be reading my journal, I'll give you a sneak peak of the start of it.

Albert Tyler was a tall, somewhat lanky man in his late twenties. He sported a scruffy brown head of hair and liked the internet. In fact, he liked the internet so much that he worked as a web developer for a small UFO and alien based magazine, designing, constructing and maintaining their website. Coincidently, his best friend also worked for the same magazine, but instead of developing websites, he wrote a monthly article about recent UFO sightings.

Albert had known his best friend, Douglas, since their very first year of school, where they had continually fought to be the most disruptive child in class. It wasn’t until a few years later they discovered that if they combined forces, they could achieve greater things. This combining of forces lead to a rude word being spelled out on the roof of their school in red paint, which then lead to them both being suspended for two weeks. They had been best friends ever since.

I'm still fixing some bits up in it. ..And I need a title. But other than that it's coming along nicely.


In other news -- one of my wristband things has fallen off. I'm terribly upset at this. I feel at a loss. I've had it on since November last year. I think I have a photo...


There we go. The black one.

I still have it. I tried to tie it back on, but it's a bit hard with only one hand. I'll have to employ the help of my sister in reattaching it.
August 24th, 2008 at 07:33am