POLL: would you...

This is a bit of an experiment.
It should be fun, with a little of your help...
So I've been thinking about my life. It's not particularly what I want it to be right now... but it's what I've got. Naturally I started daydreaming about how it could be so much better, what if my path had been less rocky... but what if I had to choose? Even in my wildest dreams, I can't have everything it seems. So let's make a choice between the two most superficial wishes in my little head.
Would you rather inherit a really large fortune, or be naturally gorgeous?
And we're talking Gates-size uber mondo fortune. Or incredibly stunning (I don't know who to use as an example there, I'm sure everyone has a personal favorite).
If this interests you, leave your answer as a comment. If people do comment, I'll put my answer up too.
Have fun!
August 24th, 2008 at 08:13am