We Were Merely Freshman.

It's kind of weird to think about.

I mean, I signed up for mibba in the winter of seventh grade.

I was thirteen.

How, I'm to be fifteen in a total of seventeen days, I'm starting East High School in less than ten days.

I've told myself not to expect anything. Go in with nothing. Why? Because if I go in with nothing, I can't be disappointed, or proven completely wrong. if I go in with nothing, I'll be A-okay.

But there's one problem: I'm starting to get excited.

I got my schedule last night, and it's pretty good. It doesn't seem too bad anyway.

For an idea:

period one: Integrated Algebra
period two: Global
period three: Spanish 2 Honors
period four: Studio Art
period five: (B Days) Earth Science Labs/ (A Days) Gym [Intro to Project Adventure first, then Fitness]
period six: Earth Science
period seven: Lunch
period eight: English Honors

I'm really excited to be learning advanced Spanish, and also taking Studio Art every day (as opposed to every other day). I'm glad my lunch is late in the day, instead of early (fourth period) like the last three years. I'm glad my Gym period is a) on an A Day again, b) BEFORE lunch, and c) later in the day, but not too late (as opposed to going from 7th to 2nd like last year). I'm excited Em is in my Global class, and Alyssa is in my Math again.

But I'm also a little sad because I'm not sharing classes with Sam, and some other people I love being in classes with.

Oh well. Maybe they'll change or something.

It's all a little weird too, because all of the assholes from my English class last year are going to St. Anthony's (apparently). Meaning: I'll probably never see them again. If that were to happen, I think I'd be the happiest person in the world. They were a waste of my time. All they brought into my life was pestering, and how I never want to be like any of them.

Of course, a couple will be missed, but still.

But I must go and read. It's due the first day of school, and I can't afford to have a bad start with this English teacher. He might actually be my first good English teacher since sixth grade!

Also: if anyone has any advice for an incoming freshman, please tell me. I'd like to know some good tactics for school.

Love Always, Sakura.
August 24th, 2008 at 11:31pm