Peace? On My Piss Off List? Nahhhh.

I'm doing just one topic cause I literally am in a hurry, sorry if this 'offends' but at the same time I'm not sorry cause its my journal and I will say what I want, if you don't want to read it, theres a simple 'x' at the top right of your screen.

Peace, is stupid. Peace shirts are stupid, peace rallies are stupid. When will people get it through their head that theres no war without 'peace' and no 'peace' without war. If I see another peace shirt, or trend go by i think i might go kill myself. (No offense to you 'emos') As you can see, peace is bullshit cause if we got to war, everyone thinks it would be an immediate win, or a month later wars done and over. What people don't understand, is that if we weren't at war (USA) then it wouldn't give those 'peace' rallies a purpose, and they'd be fighting for something even more ridiculous. I mean there are always going to be those stupid protests, now just cause I think that the peace shit is stupid doesn't mean I'm for war. Think of me more for none of those sides, I don't care about peace or war, because its contradicting cause you can't have one without the other. Its like having anarchy without a government. What is there to rebel to when complete chaos is going on? What good is it to 'protest' the war if there was no war? What would parents complain about if their kids were 'perfect' or what would the kids complain about if they had everything they wanted and lived in utopia.

Piss Off,
August 25th, 2008 at 12:33am