Please don't hurt me anymore

I hear my friends going on about how their friends backstabbed them, how their teachers and parents are unfair, but it all seems like nothing if you compare it to what some kids have been through. They are all around. You see them every day. They are your friends. They are the quiet, insolent, or sometimes even the morally driven people around you. They are normal people. The point is, you don’t know, and if you knew, it would devastate you.

Abuse is the main topic of this story/ my POV/ idiot rambling… I don’t care what you call it. It’s here, for you to read, and if you don’t want to read it, then stop now. I just have to write this down. The reason I am writing this down is because i'm pretty sure if I spoke about this to anyone, they’d either want to do too much or they’d ignore me and not care. That’s just the way people are about these things.

We don’t need you’re help. We don’t need to go to counselling. We aren’t the ones with the problem. They are – the people that abuse us, hurt us physically, mentally and emotionally. Keep us trapped. We are prisoners, the only help we need is help to break out from behind the metal bars.

My dad is that person for me. I get emotionally and somewhat mentally abused by my mum almost every day, sometimes even physically. I have been neglected by the people at school for almost 3 years. I went to counselling, and hated it. My friends whine about simple stuff like their hair not being straight etc etc, when a person (unnamed) told me that both she and her cousin are getting abused constantly.

Here’s what happens to unnamed’s cousin each day: She comes home from school, from having fun with her friends and learning OK in class, to her father, who tests her on times tables that she does not know and hasn’t been taught (e.g. 13 x 250 – no calculators allowed). Guess what: she gets hit for every one she gets wrong. Every day. Until she’s 16. Sad, isn’t it?

And I have no doubt that many other young people are getting abused at this very moment. This very day. It is a problem. We don’t need to fix it – there’s no way to fix it. We need to stop it.

After I talked to unnamed, she became one of my best friends. Before I thought she was crazy for the sake of being crazy. But then I realised she was crazy because of the abuse she was enduring. I told her to get away from my abuse in the future, I had to make a goal. A goal I would stick to for the rest of my life. I told her to make one too. She told me she would. I believe her.

After, at dinner, I caught a fairy (one of those ones that grows on a plant and you blow into the wind and make a wish) and gave it to unnamed. I told her to make a wish. She refused to, coz she wanted me to. I told her she had to, as a gift from me. She said no again and offered it to me once more. We resolved this within 2 minutes by both making a wish together: To have a better life from hereon out.

I have seen/heard of so much abuse that I realised how much we’re aware of this worldwide problem and how much we’re not doing about it.

Most people only care about the cases they hear about - on the news, newspapers and other reasources. But people have to realise that this is not all: there are hundreds of thousands of children getting abused each week. They are threatened, afraid to speak out.

Afraid to say:

“Please don’t hurt me anymore.”
August 25th, 2008 at 01:45am