The Day After Tommorow-Environment

“Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth.”

For Rachel Carson,
Thanks for inspiring me.


“The last thing that will be destroyed is death”
This saying is not entirely true, as I have figured out in my short life. I am only a child compared to most, but I know just as much about the issue that has formed since man entered the earth as you do. Maybe more.
Most likely, you have heard of this issue, but do not believe. Most likely you find it a story told to frighten little children into doing as they’re told; it is not. Most likely, the people who do not believe may not even be reading this book; someone else.
See, even now, death has crept uncommonly and sneakily upon the earth and it’s inhabitants. Disease, corruption, lies, hatred, putrescence, anger, and pollution have come. And, mostly, the pollution has been spared on whom else but the ones who have created it. Us.
Humans, fragile as we are, have been spared on this issue too much. It has instead been at work ruining innocent creatures such as birds, bees, and others, the creatures that naturally help us be clean. Trees have been used to keep us warm and happy, ruthlessly cut down and painfully chopped, leaving their once so healthy roots dead and unhappy. Why must they be treated so?
Paper, such as the kind that you are reading off of now comes from the innocent trees needed by helpless animals that depend on it as their life source. How can we be as evil as to do this to them? We take and do not give, such is the notion that applies to the term and way we are taking. Why do we need so much? Why do we sprinkle our ground with trash and pesticides, the kind of things that we may not need or want, but is needed by many more than us. We are not the only beings on earth; we seek and find little because we have already used too much. If we had left well enough alone, we would have gained in return more than we have now.

The history of life on earth has been a history of cooperation and interaction between living things and their surroundings. To an obvious large extent, the environment has molded the physical form and the habits of the earth’s vegetation and its animal life.
Naturally though, man was originally meant to only acquire a small amount of the earths portion, for, compared to Jupiter, it is quite small and insignificant. I must press the issue of going no farther than has already been gone with pollution, as people like me have realized that as large the earth may seem to us, it is no larger than Mars, which we humans view as a small planet, devoid of human life.
I must ask whether or not many a scientist considered that having no visible life is an actual bad thing. Considering the pain and conflict we have pressed upon the earths resources, I would have to admit that I would rather live on Mars were I a Tree or a bird. Once a beautiful and interesting planet, earth has been beaten into submission by our own being. There are no secrets left on earth, and there are few wild places left.
Is pollution dangerous to us though? Ask a few mollified and annoyed readers, who find my talk nothing but ignorance and nonsense, trying to make you listen to lies. And, for your sake, I will answer that. Cancer, for example, an unknown, strange and sneaky disease, angering and upsetting helpless doctors as they try weakly to fend it away from poor and sick citizens, is an illness from an unknown origin and is widely spreading throughout the world and within families.
But, either very little or none have made even a slight connection to pollution and the disease. It does have a connection.
Air pollution, is breathed everyday by the average citizen as they stroll nonchalantly through the streets of towns, cities and wastelands, minding to their business. Most likely, that average citizen is going to end up with cancer sometime in their life. Very few people end up dying a nice, quiet and peaceful death from old age nowadays.
Air pollution causes Asthma in children and even in adults. Trash that is thrown uncaringly into the sea is left unpicked by humans so that dolphins and fish may swim around and hurt themselves because of our uncaring nature. Yes, I imply that we do not care for more than our own lives and families, which, is sadly true. We murder trees, and small and unknowing animals wander onto the busy streets and are hit by cars and now litter the ground on the sides of roads or right in the middle of it, their bodies bloody and broken. But do we stop driving to even wonder what we hit? No. We just keep cruising’ right along.

The growing problem:

By killing trees we are killing ourselves, for trees, cut down everyday, provide Oxygen and breath carbon dioxide, and while humans continue to spread we are as good as murderers to them. Even if we give one thing to them, carbon dioxide, that is not enough. They give us air, and how do we repay them? Ripping them down and pretending as if we’re doing good to the world.
Now, I must put our ruthlessness into a term of politics. Men and woman are convicted to jail and sometimes the death penalty for murdering other humans, but if we murder an animal or a plant, we are not so much as looked at, not even told off. Are they so much as beneath us as that we are in a revolution of blacks verses white, but that the blacks will never triumph to our standards?
Even if we can think and walk around and learn doesn’t mean we are any better than the tree in your backyard.
Business is a key to survival in this harsh and demanding world, and although business is needed in its own ways, many men of haughty demeanors rely on it a bit too much if you get my meaning. They begin to go mad with power, wanting more, and more money; they are too greedy for their own good. Their intents at first may be genuine, but once they get the slightest taste of power they go mad and find themselves needing and wanting more, whereas they do not need more.
They expand their companies until there is no more room to grow. If I went to the President now and said to him: “Keep the economy as it is, do not expand. You may fix the problems at hand, but do not expand business.” Most likely he would reply: “That is not possible, we must expand, or the economy will be ruined further.”
That may be true, but, as the president of the United States, you would be able to actually do something about that wouldn’t you, instead of sitting lazily in your Laze-e-boy answering fan mail.
This expanding of companies and ignorance of poor people and pollution is just like the Republicans, a.k.a George Bush, of nowadays, the motto, (excuse my language and rudeness) is, unfortunately, “Screw the little guy.” it applies to the killing of our earth too. They don’t care, as long as they get to stomp on us first.
The water, for example, that we swim in, is being polluted by gas, oil, fatty human food, all of which revolves into poison for fish and other sea creatures. The flooding and dirty seawater is coming from both largely polluted areas of sea and the ice melting in the Arctic, which obviously is happening from the giant Ozone layer with a hole in it floating far above the Arctic. The flooding is coming from ice melting, making the seas and lakes rise.
I’m sorry to say that our earth is far closer to extinction than is thought. Our only hope is to stop the air pollution, somehow develop a safe-clean way to either restore the ozone layer or to stop the hole from expanding, and stop cutting down trees, being careless, and let nature take its course. Involving ourselves with the earth’s natural habitat was a bad idea from the start. The cavemen, when they found out how to make fire, began the first pollution from the burning of twigs and letting the smoke unfurl into the sky. Diesel was used when cars first came out, and polluted the air even further. When scientists discovered how to make medicine from plant minerals, helped us, but they experimented on animals (and still do) and if an animal died, it wasn’t a big deal, because it wasn’t as if a life had been taken right?
When scientists discovered makeup made out of mercury to make you feel good, they experimented on helpless animals-and still do- and would injure them and kill them, but who cared then? Then what happened when they discovered how to make airplanes? They polluted the earth further, and did they stop then? No! Then decided they wanted to view space as if it actually mattered whether or not there were other planets with life and air on them, what, you want to expand your business MORE? Well good luck with that. I doubt the martens would appreciate it.
Then, they figured out how people can choose their own child’s DNA.
And when while we’re here, the scientists are trying to figure out some crackpot way to make us all live forever and damage the earths cycle even more, and maybe while we’re all dying in blistering heat or freezing cold, maybe they’ll realize that we were right after all.
August 25th, 2008 at 02:41am