The power is flickering and I should probably turn off the computer

But I can always unplug it from the wall. The internet would just die.

I've spent the day sitting outside on the computer... then I moved inside and curled up in the bed to watch TV. I've got junk food out the wazoo.

Don't believe me?

I have:

A five pound bag of skittles from Wal Mart
Regular oreos
double stuff oreos
double stuff, chocolate oreos
ranch doritos
cheese doritos
sour cream & onion lays
regular santitas
medium salsa
medium cheesedip
barbecue lays
a box of hot dogs and ketchup
a sack of potatoes
two packs of gummy worms
a box of m&m's
a box of cinnamon toast crunch
a box of cornflakes
a two liter of coke
a gallon of unsweet tea
a gallon of sweet tea
a gallon of mint tea
two packs of nestle crunch minis
two packs of kit kat minis
a snickers bar
a giant twix two-pack
a pack of reece's pieces
a jar of peaches
and a cheese pizza

Movies I've got to watch?

Harry Potter,
Star Wars,
28 Days/weeks later
Phantom of the Opera
the Bourne series

Video games:

Call of Duty,
Gears of War,
The Legend of Zelda,
Ninja Gaiden,
Metal Gear Solid

I can't eat all the oreos by myself. You guys better have some milk handy, because I'll need help :p
August 25th, 2008 at 03:04am