~*~.My day @ work{I actually had a good day, x}.~*~

Mood: Cucukoo bananas & sleepy-ish.

Well, today wasn't that bad besides the fact I had to work 3pm-close, lol. Anywho, I woke up around 1:30 this afternoon b/c I didn't fall asleep until like 7 something this morning o.O I really need to work on my sleeping habits.. I did get my dad to buy me some sleeping pills to help put me to sleep and help me stay asleep but they did nothing whatsoever for me.. Go figure >.< lol. Anywhodie, I was lazy as god knows what when I woke up, lol.. so, I just laid there until like 2pm and then finally decided it was time I got ready since I had to leave in a half hr., xP. K, so today dragged on and on, but 1 thing u might find amusing is.. today I was a clutz, LOL, xD. I kept running into things, I kept dropping things and I kept knocking things over, XD LoL*falls on the floor laughing*. What? What? I didn't do anything *runs away,* lol. Anywho, this guy that I was working with; Carl, he said, "You don't have to be so nervous around me," XD. Hehe, lol. Riiight, lol. I swear it was only me being a total clutz, xP. Anywho, that was the highlight of the day I guess u could say. The rest of the night was just boring and busy except for when it hit closing time.. then Carl danced around saying "YES! ITS 10 O' CLOCK!" Lol, it was humorous, xD. Well, I guess I'm telling u about my 'boring' day, xP. I found today and still find it to be a rather good day, =]. Its unusual for me to have a total good day and this is a 1st in a long time ^_^. Well, talk to u guys later, Loves ya <3, take care, to.odle-lo.o's.

August 25th, 2008 at 06:13am