Super Sunday fun.

Monday; The 25th Of August

So last night me and my friends hit the town - we got dolled up around my friends house and we had drinks and had a laugh.
The reason for hitting the town on a Sunday night was not because we are hardcore ravers, or that we love to party. No the reason was Super Sunday.

Defination: Super Sunday is a tradition in my home town when all the clubs and pubs stay open because it's Bank Holiday monday the next day and no one has work. An excuse to go and get drunk another night of the weekend.

Once again we didn't make it into town till 11:30pm and I think I stayed till 12:30pm, but if you've read my 'about me' you'll know that I can not handle alcohol at all and even after a little bit I pay dreadfully for it the next day. And I was stupid, I was so terribly stupid, I managed to drink a quater litre of vodka, and a litre of barcadi breezer alcopop. Why oh why do I do this to myself?!
After dancing it up in our favourite club, I decided I just couldn't handle anymore and I had to go home. So i walked calmly outside and into one of the taxi's that wait on the street to take clubbers home.
My usual fare in the taxi home is around £7, not alot I admit when I usually take £30 of the hard earned cash out with me. Except when I reached my house, my fare this time was £15. I was not happy - and the taxi driver was not happy with me telling him to stop the meter right now at £10.
I got in and my dad was up waiting for me - so I grabbed some yummy micro chips and sat up talking to him for an hour. What we talked about I have no idea - but this morning he told me to tell my mam the stories I had told him. 'Good god, what have I said?' I thought but it turns out I just explained my mates drinking game she made up.

The parents would not be happy knowing how much I drank, all my mother said to me before I went out was "DON'T COME HOME RATTED!" (Ratted means extremely drunk)
And I'm in my dad's good books because I came early after begging him to let me out till half 1, if it was up to him I would have had to be home for 11. He thinks going out to clubs at 11pm and staying till 3am is ridiculous and wants them to bring back the old licencing laws - which apparently I told him last night I was in favour for.

Going to bed was hell, trying to fall asleep while my head was spinning like a bitch was not fun and every time I turned over I woke up feeling sick. Not good.

So this is why I am deciding not to drink again, how long will this last?! I lasted three months after declaring to my parents whilst extremely drunk that I was a greedy drinker after throwing my bottles of vodka and peach shnapps at my dad .
Except it's my friends birthday on Friday, knowing them they'll be celebrating with drinks and I just know I'll end up succumbing to peer pressure. My god, I need to grow a spine or what?!

Being sick today after my dad made me yummy tomato soup was not fun either.
I'll keep you updated on my progress in not drinking - honestly it's not worth the hassle of A) trying to find someone to buy it for me, and B) how sick I am the next.
I am dreading going into work today, I can just imagine having to stand there for hours feeling worse for wear, but at least I can find solace in the fact that my co-workers will probably be just as hungover. I work in Brantano's shoe shop ,and today we are opening till 8pm, when usually we close at 6pm. God knows why we're staying open longer on a bank holiday - usually shops are closed and its a well known fact that everyone goes away for a long weekend when you have a bank holiday monday.
Also college starts again next week; so I need to sort myself out for that. God this time next year I'll be getting ready for University - if I get the grades that is!

I'll keep you all updated with my life!
August 25th, 2008 at 03:41pm