Yeah lets write a journal.

Right, here goes, my amazing journal
oh! i learnt how to play iron man on the classical guitar... not like its hard but meh. i'm proud of me :D
And smoke on the water, easiest tune ever but still.
My mum can play The Romanza (is that how you spell it?) really well, i'm trying.
Classical guitar is much harder than acoustic or electric, i have to admit.
I started lessons when i was like, 7/8 but stopped when i was 10, 'cause i annoyed the teacher too much, i think every time there was a "rest" on the sheet music, i snored..
so my mum attempts to teach me now, she's a whole load better then me obviously, not a bad teacher though.
It's a whole week until i go back to school, don't get me wrong i don't like school, i just want to see people again really.
Yeah, I'm starting GCSE History this year, and my btec is DiDA (digital applications) which I don't have a clue about whatsoever. I'm actually really rubbish at history, but I was really, really rubbish at all the other subjects.
I don't know how i'm going to get up for school, I've been going to bed at about two in the morning, and getting up at stupid 'o clock, like 1.
I'm sure i'll survive one way or the other.

August 25th, 2008 at 06:37pm