Hate that I love you

I hate the way you make me smile, simply by smiling yourself.
I hate the way you make me blush everytime your eyes meet mine.
I hate the way you make me laugh, just by telling a really bad joke that wouldn't have made me laugh if it wasn't you who had told it.
I hate the way you create butterflies in my stomach and make my legs go to jelly, just because you happened to look cuter then usual.
I hate the way you make a shiver go through my whole body, when you just happen to touch me.
I hate the way you make me all happy, just by saying a few words to me.

I hate the way you also make me sad those days when you don't look at me.
I hate the way you make me get stuck in my own thoughts, making me think about why you didn't look at me.
I hate the way my friends have to call my name over and over again, because I'm busy staring at you, just needing you to turn around and focus your eyes on me.
I hate the way you make me insecure, making me wonder what's wrong with me.

I hate the way you look at her.
I hate the way you make me so damn jealous of her.
I hate the way you make me want to break down on the spot and just cry.

I hate you.
But mostly, I hate the fact that I don't hate you.
Not at all.
In fact, I like you way too much.
August 26th, 2008 at 08:18pm