You say goodbye, and I say hello. =].

Ok, as I'm sure most of you (aka my readers) know, I went to the Columbus, Ohio Jonas Brothers concert on August 23rd, 2008. Ha, sorry, I want to remember everything here...

We first signed the Jonas Brothers tour bus. I wrote Jenny Ohio with a heart. Ha, I know very creative, right? I think that is really cool how they do that though. They really do love their fans, you can just tell how much.

Well, my two friends and my younger sister came to the concert with me along with my mom. When we get to the arena, we find out that my mom's camera isn't allowed because it's too professional or something like that... so my mom went back to our car because whomever went would be missing some of the opening act. Thankfully, being the nice mom that she is, she actually went and left the rest of our group by ourselves.

Next we all went to buy our souvineers. Boy, were the shirts expensive, thirty-five?! dollars, but it was worth it. Haha. So, just as we were all finishing up buying our seats the Veronicas come on singing "Untouched." I absolutely love that song, so I was like jamming along to it as my friends, sister, and I went to find our seats.

[Ok, I'll try to make this part as short as possible. Well, I'm in the marching band and our first football game was on Friday, August 22nd, the Cleveland tour date. Back in March, I bought tickets for the Cleveland show, but my band director truthfully scares me. So my friends and I got tickets to the Columbus show through my Uncle. He knows someone who works for Live Nation, so I really had no clue where our seats actually were until we first spotted them.]

So the lights are flashing as I'm trying to find our seats. The music was SO LOUD let me tell you. We finally find our section of seats 116, and they were RIGHT by the right (aka Nick's) side of the stage. We're like trying to find the seat numbers, and it turns out like five girls were sitting in our seats. I'm like freaking out because... that's just the way I roll (Haha). Thankfully, the girls moved, and we sat down in our seats.

So, I'm like bobbing up and down as I sing. The Veronicas set was pretty cool. There was a bright orange light that kept shining in my eyes though occasionally though. It was kind of annoying. But they were entertaining. I love their songs "Untouched" and "Forever". "Forever" was their closing song, and it TOTALLY rocked. Oh! And during the middle of one of their songs they got out a camera and are like "This is going to be on our Youtube so scream!" And we are all screaming, waving to the camera. Ha, and I checked this morning, and the videos are all actually up. Haha. =]. They really keep to their word. My mom finally came back during like the second last song of the Veronica's set.

It took forever until Demi Lovato came on. All these stage people were like moving chairs, putting a piano on the stage, moving lights... and so on and so forth. So, there were two screens that were in the place (and our seats were like right by them), so my friend sent a text message saying that we love the Jonas Brothers and all of our names. Ha, it never showed up on the screen though. There were some pretty funny texts though, one was like, "Simon Says" and they did all of these Simon says things.

Finally, Demi Lovato comes on after her band is on the stage for a good minute or two. (Ha, her one guitarist was so entertaining to watch. He had bright red pants too, so it made him easy to find during the songs). Ok, I will fully admit that I was not a fan of Demi Lovato, but after her performance at the concert, I have completely changed my mind around in a one-eighty! She totally rocked that stage, she has a lot of stage presence. Plus, her lyrics are relatable (Ha, just another reason to like the Jonas Brothers) and very catchy. I also didn't know that she could play the piano and guitar, so that was a very nice surprise. Demi also seemed like she was just having so much fun, "Living the Dream," to quote the Jonas Brothers. She was always slapping and shaking people's hands, unlike the Veronicas and Jonas Brothers whom waited until the end of the show/set.

When Demi was ended it was around like eight thirty-ish probably (the concert started at seven o'clock). It was over A HALF HOUR until the Jonas Brothers finally graced us with their presences. Ha, I don't blame them though. There were so many stage crew going around, ha, one guy was actually like sweeping the floor with a broom in between the two sets. Also, the Jonas Brothers had a MUCH larger area that they were performing in so it took a lot longer to get ready.

Finally, the lights turn out, and my friend Katie and I stand up (along with everyone else in the entire arena), and we freak out as we see the Jonas Brothers backup band come on stage. As we were screaming, you heard the opening chords of "That's Just the Way We Roll." Then I screamed even louder since it finally hit me that I was actually at a Jonas Brothers concert (my first one too!), and I wasn't just seeing them on Youtube.

So then the boys are making their appearance, and it totally rocked. They came out on some circle moving thing (Ha, no clue what it's called). They were all standing on it in the air until they finally hit the stage, and they all walked to their respected positions on the stage. I freaked out when I saw how close Nick was.

I swear to God, I have never screamed so much in my life at that concert. I never stopped dancing the entire time. =]. Katie and I were severely freaking out as they sang the first song still.

"Shelf" came on next, and I absolutely adore that song. So, it was a great moment in the concert for me. I loved how they didn't even take a break in between the first two songs. They just went right into it. I couldn't help but notice though, that their voices sounded like unusually high. It sounded like Nick was back in the "It's About Time" mode. (Ok, not quite that high). Because even when Kevin just talked it seemed way high, but thankfully as the concert progressed, I think the microphones got fixed. Few...

Next up was "Hold On". It's so hard not to like that song. It is just sending such a great message to everyone. Next came "BB Good". I love that song, and during the middle of it Joe held out his microphone telling the audience to scream the lyrics. Ha, I shouted them out loud. The song was great. So catchy too.

Ha, and I can now fully understand why the Jonas Brothers are so fit. I don't think they ever stopped moving. Holy cow. Joe has as much energy as a five year old on red bull in a candy shop. Haha. Great visual, I know. It was hard to take pictures of Joe because he seriously loved. to. move. =]. But that just made the show that much more interesting. You couldn't help but jump and dance and move along with them all.

Oh! I also couldn't help but notice how much taller they look in person. Most people say they look shorter, but Mr. Nicholas seemed SOOO much taller than I thought he was. Boy is he catching up to his brothers (equally surprisingly tall) quickly... Ha, sorry, I like tall boys so this was a major plus for me. =].

The next song the Jonas Brothers sang was "Goodnight and Goodbye". Wow, loved their new dance. Ha, I just happened to be filming Nick when all of a sudden I see him and Joe doing this like version of a gymnastics feat. They were flipping all over the stage when Nick does like three cartwheels in the middle of the runway. Ha, is there anything that the boys can't do?!

Next on the set list came "Video Girl" and of course it 'Rocked my world' but for a whole lot longer than two seconds. (Lame pun, I know.) That song was really entertaining because Kevin, Joe, and Nick were getting so into the song, which was great! You can honestly tell how much they love to perform.

A Camp Rock favorite, "Gotta Find You" came on next, and aw, was such a cutie in that song. He brought up a little girl in the audience. She couldn't have been more than six years old, and he sang the song with her. I took a picture of it on the screen. It was adorable. I liked how Kevin and Nick accompanied Joe on the song with their guitars, as well.

Demi Lovato came back on stage again singing "This is Me" with Joe. I could see Nick and maybe even Kevin singing some backup vocals though. The song was great. Every girl was singing Demi's part so loudly, Haha. Another very relatable song, even if it was written by Disney. I loved how Joe and Demi interacted in this song a lot. It was great!

Oh, during the entire Jonas Brothers' set, random bursts of flames/smoke/firework type things would come out. It was great. Kept you on your toes as you watched the show too. =].

Next, came the big power ballad of the night, "A Little Bit Longer." Gosh, Nick's voice was pure heaven on the song. And I was SO GLAD that the entire arena was pretty much quiet as Nick sang a song that is close to his heart. I videotaped his performance, and I was glad to see as I watched it at my house later, that I could actually hear Nick and not girls screaming. Watching Nick perform this song was absolutely heaven. You could just see how emotional he gets over the song. I loved his speech at the end of the song too. I sang at the top of my lungs when he asked the arena/audience to. At the end of his speech during the song (after Joe and Kevin came out playing their guitars, which made the song even better, in my opinion) Nick says something along the lines of "I promised myself I wouldn't let this slow me down," and then he pauses for a long time as the audience screams. He looks out at the audience, resting his hands on the piano. Then he finally goes, "And it hasn't," as he plays the last note of the song. It was seriously an amazing performance. My heart goes out to him...

After the emotional song came a remake on Shania Twain's "I'm Gonna Getcha Good". As a lover of country music, I can say that I loved the Jonas Brothers new rendition of the song. I liked how Nick and Joe switched off parts on like the verses/chorus (Joe's part) and the bride (Nick's part). Nick played the drums for this song as well.

[Oh! I forgot to mention there was a 'drum battle' between Nick and Jack Lawless. I'm not sure exactly where in the show it was.]

During "Still In Love With You" (Another great song by the Jonas Brothers, performed very well, like usual), the Jonas Brothers squirted out foam towards audience. Ha, my friend Katie got absolutely drenched with foam by Nick. It was pretty hilarious actually. I wasn't nearly as bad as Katie was. I couldn't help but notice Nick smiling after he did this to his side of the arena.

Next came "Tonight". Easily one of my top three Jonas Brothers song. During this song as I was filming Nick he waved at my camera, and then I screamed obnoxiously as I said, "I love you Nick." Haha. It was the same time Katie screamed, "I love you Joe," so it all worked out.

"Year 3000" an all time favorite Jonas Brothers song. I loved how energetic the Jonas Brothers were during this song. They got the whole audience jumping up and down.

(Ha, sometime around here in the show, Kevin asked if anyone has made him a bird house yet. It was pretty funny.)

"Pushing Me Away" was a great song. Joe tried to conduct the backup band. As a member of the band, I couldn't help but notice Joe has no idea how to direct, haha. But it worked for him since he did it so enthusiastically. Great vocals by both Joe and Nick on this song.

Another ballad that made me swoon, "Hello Beautiful", was amazingly awesome as usual. I couldn't help but screech as Nick said, "I hear it's wonderful in OHIO!" Ha, I'm sure he does that to every crowd, but it was still sweet that he said that. =]. Then of course there was the whole matter of all three of the Jonas Brothers being lifted a good thirty feet in the air on some really tiny platform as they sang the song. I thought that was genius on whomever thought of the idea. Way to sing a great love song to girls on every level.

A song that made me absolutely 'speechless, head over heals in the moment' was "Lovebug". I loved how in the beginning of the song Kevin is like talking with his brothers and band, just like on the CD. I liked when all of the members of their band, including Garbo, sat in back of Kevin, Joe, and Nick. They sang that acoustic song absolutely brilliantly. And who could ever forget Joe's tap dancing performance? Haha.

"Can't Have You" was another great performance. I really like that song. The lyrics are great and catchy as heck, so when the Jonas Brothers got really into that song, it made the performance even better.

"Play My Music" was an amazing performance. I jumped up and down, and got so into the music on that one. I was glad that Nick got the words right in the second bridge. =]. Kevin made some comment about following your dreams if you play an instrument, so my friends, sister, and I all screamed really loudly because we're all in band.

The ending song before the encore was "Burnin' Up", and how could you NOT get into the song? I was jumping up and down so much on this song, and singing along so loudly along with the rest of the audience. Big Rob came out. I laughed at that part. I couldn't help but notice that Big Rob was sporting a wrist brace on his right wrist.

The Jonas Brothers quickly leave as their "JB" sign lights up with fire. That was a really cool effect. The Jonas Brothers quickly come back though, making the arena scream even louder. But it also kind of hit me then, that the concert was actually coming to a close.

"When You Look Me in the Eyes" comes on next. (Their second last song of the night). I loved Joe jumping on the piano, haha. Great performance. I couldn't help but notice Kevin was really into this song.

"S.O.S." comes on last. I liked Nick's introduction to this song. The entire audience like screamed this song. It was amazingly awesome again.

Then eventually the boys left. Ha, right after the concert ended my friends and I are all like "Start saving for next year." The boys were seriously that great. It was amazing! You can just tell how much they just simply love to... perform and sing. =]. I am so glad to see fame is not getting to their heads one tiny iota.

Well, there you have it... my first Jonas Brothers concert experience. You have no idea how badly I wanted to stay, or kidnap the Jonas Brothers. ; ). Don't worry, you don't have to take my threats seriously. =]. Haha.

All in all, it was easily the best day of my life. I want to go back right now if I could. I could easily see why you would want to go to like five concerts on one tour. =]. Ha, I told you I could talk about the Jonas Brothers for a long time.

Great job Jonas Brothers. Rock on Kevin, Joe, and Nick...
August 26th, 2008 at 10:07pm