Scared isn't the word.

You nightmare every night about the person; who you actually care about more than anyone in the world, dying. The same way everytime. Making you extremely paraniod and never letting them near a car. EVER!

You wake up and check your inbox, to find out that that very person you dread to die is severely ill. Coughing up blood cos the alcohol finally got to him.

He's twenty for fuck sake! Not a 90 year old man that spent his life drinking in sorrow!

He's always happy, never depressed. Always smiling, making me smile, making him grin, making me laugh and so on... Hugging me when I cry even when I'm covered in sick.

Charlie, the only person I have actually loved in my whole entire life.... fucking leaving me like everyone else. The best things always leave.

I swear if you leave Charlie.... I'm fucking following you darling.
At least then we wont have to wait months to see each other.

August 27th, 2008 at 01:39am