Suggestions for Poets

I'm not necessarily above any of these criticisms. I'm not claiming to be the best writer on Mibba or that these are iron clad truth, but I'm so sick of seeing unoriginal poems on Mibba. There are so many patterns that I'm sick of, here are my personal suggestions:

Not every poem has to rhyme, it can help a poem sound operatic, but too much is a bad thing.

Not every stanza has to have the same number of lines. Break lines up according to events in the poem, not some rigid structure that must be maintained.

Do you think your poem sounds better if every single line is a question to the reader or the person it was written for? It doesn't, it's annoying.

Honesty is important. Your poems will sound better if you write about something relevant to your life that you can put yourself into. Don't write a love poem because you have nothing else to write.

You don't need dramatic language to be profoundly moving. All words make sense.

Underlining words, bolding words, and italicizing words are inefficient ways to emphasize a point. They break up the flow of the poem for the reader. Also too many . . .'s or exclamation points can interrupt the reader's train of thought.

Thanks for reading. I'd like to hear what other people think about these points.
August 27th, 2008 at 06:55am