Original Fiction

Ok, I have to say it. I have to. Why? Because it needs to be said. "Original Fiction" is NOT, I repeat, NOT, fan fiction. ORIGINAL FICTION means you are coming up with your own story that has absolutely nothing to do with anything that is already in existence. It is not a branch of the Twilight saga. It is not a category for aspiring Cassandra Claires. And it most CERTAINLY is not a place for "Frikey"s and "Ferard"s and "Franotherpairing"s. It is a category that belongs to writers who wish to create something NEW. Not write something that has been written over, and over, and over, and over, and over times infinity, again. So PLEASE, I beg of you, STOP flooding the Original Fiction with your petty hormonal band-boy sex scenes. Leave that to the talented.
August 28th, 2008 at 04:22am