more problems

okay so one my school made it on the news for the bomb threst thing if ya wanna look at it here's the link okay and the drama is that my friend brenny well i really REALLY like him but i walked in on him makeing out with my friend rykou(his real name is henry but he hates his name)but i just ran out of there(rykous a guy btw)and since then brenny's been trying to get me to forgive him.and i don't know if i can forgive him for doing that to me.but he's been sending me flowers and cards(and i'm a hopeless romantic so it's hard for me to resist)but i dont know if i should forgive him or not...hes a freakin jerk to!but then my best friend al knew about this all along and he didn't even tell me.god i wanna forgive him but...idk...and from what i herd this had happened more then once between these two and my so called best friend knew from the start...(oh and i'm completely over my lazyness so i'll start writeing again and sending and writeing messeges to pple)
April 26th, 2007 at 12:32am