Feild Trip Journal

* Okay. Not what you were expecting Right? My school was on a bus, on our way to Sturbrige Massachusetts. We all were bored, so each of my friends wrote a little part of this little story... Enjoy and comment

Once upon a time, there was an enchanted purple & yellow mango tree in Aruba. It was the last of its kind, and soon to be extinct because the tree was alergic to stray fuzzy kittens. One day a stray fuzzy kitten came up to the tree, and the tree blew up! Sooner or later construction people built a huge mansion and a girl named Drama and her husband Dillon moved in. Then they both died. After a year, Paige and Carlin moved in and a baby named Parlin. One day Parlin Hilton went by and farted. The whole house blew up. Mr. piggy walked by and started crying. Parlin didn't give a crap, he just kept farting. Mr. Piggy got over himself, and started to skip through the the pretty flower garden. Parlin came by and farted; Mr. Piggy got blown away to Tim Buck Two. All that was left in the garden was a flower that was covered in Parlin nasty-ness. The flower was covered from petal to stem in a green gassy fog. And then Robet walked by and inhailed the green gas. He turned red and now is called the pomagranet. And so the Arubian tree is now extinct and Mr. Piggy is now living in Time Buck Two's house and Parlin ngot married to Marlina and lived happily ever after...

*What did I tell ya. I have weird friends...
August 30th, 2008 at 10:40am