that's what the crowd chanted... lol.

this has no grammer, goodness, what-so-ever... so don't get on my back about it...

ok... so, as most of you know, i went to a PARAMORE concert with Raye and LeeAnn... let's list off the awesome things that happened...

1. it was Raye's first on A LOT of things... like.... riding in a Jeep, going to a concert, and eating Taco bell in a car(lol.)....

Raye crowd surfed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so proud of her!!!!!!!!

3. there were A LOT of hot guys... even though i couldn't stop thinking about this one guy... wishing that he'd just pop up...

4. got a couple cool pictures... but none of paramore... cuz i didn't want to lose my camera...

we were TEN FEET away from the stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me, LeeAnn, and Raye got Haley William's spit on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. I got hit in the jaw by someone in a mosh pit(lol.)...

i think it was the most fun all of us had had in a LONG time!!!

9. OH!!!! when paramore came on... they came from the CEILING!!! THE EFFING CEILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. i think a certain someone in particular was majorly jealous that she didn't get invited... and we all thought it was pretty funny...

11. Raye and LeeAnn are now friends!!! lol.

12. both me AND LeeAnn cried on My Heart and We Are Broken...

13. there were a couple other awesome bands out there...

Where were you guys?!?!?!?! you missed one heck of an awesome show!!!! and you missed out... MAJORLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 30th, 2008 at 11:22pm