The Show That Beats All Shows

Maybe your awesome and read my journal about the Phantom Planet show last month and how it was the best show I had ever been to.
Well... I went to go see the band that opened for them again tonight... it was a close second.
Electric Touch, a semi local band (the guitarist and the drummer went to my rival school, the singer and bassist are from Austin), are... wow.
I now love small bands.
Okay, so here's how the day/evening went...
It started off with me and my Emmi-kins going to Liz's house (yes the Liz I always talk about) and getting in the car to go to the show.
The only problem was I had left me and Emily's tickets at my house... that no one was at... that I didn't have keys to.
By some miracle, maybe the music gods smiled down upon me, the side door was open and we dashed in and out with the tickets in hand.
So we drove downtown (to the same shady but totally awesomely decorated venue) and once again, no one was there.
So her parents, insanely protective once more, took us to dinner instead to waste time, then drove us around the venue a few times.
Literally we circled the same damn spit of concrete four times.
Nevertheless the time came where we walked into the doors of the glorious venue where all my best memories originated.
And the best part that set off the chain of awesome events was as soon as we walked in the merch table was to our immediate left and... the kick ass drummer was working the merch booth.
So I don't know how it started, probably by our hyper happiness we started talking to him, his name is Louis by the way.
I remember seeing the sign for their new CD (being only ten dollars for us deadbeats) and I went straight for it.
We all started talking as we attempted to make change and such, and we ended up buying four shirts between us, two CD's, and stealing many of the free stickers.
Yeah the highlight of that for me was he was making the sign and I kind of bashed it and in return he handed it to me- I totally made it badass by the way, and did the same with the new shirts sign.
I swear we talked for at least an hour, all of us, and I think we owe them a new Sharpie by all the shit we wrote on our hands (it was all love for them though).
He was one of the sweetest people to talk to, or annoy depending on how you want to look at it, and proved further still how small the world is.
His girlfriend had a teacher that Liz has and Louis would walk her to that teacher's class.
Oh also we had a discussion about guitars (he's a drummer I'll remind you once more) and I told him how my guitar is badly untuned, thank you Natalie, and he told me how to tune it, to which I denied further still.
So in the end he wrote down the guitar scale on one of their numerous stickers, and used the lovely ackronym (if that's the wrong word correct me) Every Awesome Dude Gets Babes Every Day.
There was a smilie face involved.
So eventually we got up the courage to ask for autographs and pictures, something we couldn't bring ourselves to do when we met Phantom Planet, and it was adorable.
He couldn't quite spell my name right so I had to explain it and spell it for him (I was amazed he wrote an actual message and not just his signature) and then he took pictures with us and put up with Liz trying to figure out the flash on her camera.
Personally I'm amazed he put up with all our annoying shit for at least an hour and a half.
Then of course the lead singer Shane came out to work the booth for a while and we chatted with him, got his autograph and the one thing I forgot was that not only Shane but Louis remember me and Liz from the Phantom Planet show!
That made my day because one of my biggest fears and bothers is that no matter how much fun I have with a band they forget me five minutes later (or five towns later depending on tour).
Liz is annoyingly reminding me to mention the bassist Ross (while I try not to inflict bodily harm on her) and how we talked to him, making it three for four on the band list.
He was adorable, though came off oddly shy, and we had to explain to him sadly that we had been at the soundcheck and saw them last time (though in his defense we didn't talk to him after the last show).
So afterward and after the two opening bands they had to go get ready and we got our spots (directly in front) and got ready for the show ourselves.
They are... so amazing live...
It's even better the second time when you know a few of the songs and what to expect.
I especially love that it was the same place and same stage, so we got splattered on with their sweat we were so close, to the point where we had to back up a little to not get hit by the guitarist Christopher's guitar as he sexily grinded it into his hips (again and for most the show).
I swear they've got a lot of on stage sexual frustration.
But as much as my friends were awkwardly laughing I weirdly couldn't get enough of it...
I loved watching Louis though play drums, seriously he makes the most adorable faces, and I naturally love watching drummers.
Oh and we had written on our hands with Sharpies; Emily's was Hi!, Liz's was Thnk You!, and I was the glue in between them with Ditto and two arrows on my hand.
We tried to get their attention to show them but we only got Ross's and Christopher's, though I love Chris's reaction with a large grin and then squinting his eyes trying to read the rest.
It was adorable.
And of course there was Shane giving us a shout out as the four kids in front singing along (we did the best we could).
I took a shitload of pictures on Liz's camera like last time (when she uploads them I'll put them up here, like the one with me and Louis.)
Then after the show we hunted down Christopher (the drummers brother) cause he was the only one we hadn't annoyed to no end and talked with him, got our CD's completely signed (and sticker for Emily).
I had to chase him down a little to get my Sharpie back, and to get a glorious hug, because I am in fact a hug junkie.
We also cornered Shane and hugged him, despite him being so soaked with sweat it was like he had gotten out of the swimming pool (after hugging Soul Glow I don't care).
Then it was one last run in with Louis (who I now totally adore) who went straight for a hug with us, and I mean that, he went straight for us with his arms open.
I have to put it here before I forget, Liz would NOT stop petting my hair the entire damn night, so much so she influenced Emily, and even got Shane to check for himself, where he agreed my hair was indeed soft, I AM NOT A FUCKING DOG!
So since they are both reading over my shoulder and claiming I'm forgetting about Ross I'm saying it here in order since I haven't forgotten him, we found him behind the merch table and told him we were leaving and wanted a hug.
I figured we'd have one of those awkward over the table hugs but no, he went all the way around the table just to get to us and pulled all three of us into a huge group hug.
He even remembered our names! (well minus Emily's, though he corrected himself.)
We promised we'd come back and see them in September since they're on tour with the Fratellis.
I'm going to cut off here now because I have two teenage girls pressed against my back, giggling like mad and now petting my new Electric Touch shirt (I swear they've worn away the pictures of their faces).
One thing I must suggested is PLEASE, go see Electric Touch while they're on tour (tell them Katlyn, Liz, and/or Emily sent you).
And if you want to listen to them I will gladly send you the CD files via AIM or download file.
Better yet, go to their myspace
Electric Touch Myspace
It will not be a waste I... motherfucker they're petting me again.
August 31st, 2008 at 09:19am