august thirty-first @ 10:03 AM

This journal may reflect my emotions, tell about my day, or maybe i will just ramble on about some horrible event in my life. It may be in the first person, the third person, or maybe there will just be words in no particular order. Shall we get started then?

Not much has happened today yet. I only woke up a half hour ago. I am going to church in ten minutes though. I hate church. It's not because I have to wake up, or because I'm too lazy to go. I just believe in any of the shit they talk about. I tell my day this and he thinks I'm just to lazy.
On a better note, my hair likes me today. It looks good and i look good. I'm tired. Yes, random. I know. But it just came over me like a wave.
I have to leave now so this will be a short one.

Jelly out.
August 31st, 2008 at 04:13pm