Throwing in the towel.

So it seems my last journal didn’t go down a treat, so here, I bring you the third instalment of “The life and time’s of Emma-Jane’s mind.” I promise it’s totally from the heart.

The feeling of “I give up.”, I get it a lot.
I got it today, yesterday, the day before and I bet I will feel it tomorrow.
I don’t know anyone who hasn’t ever muttered those words while they fight furiously to do something they can’t begin to even to understand.

I wonder why we all have the instinct to want to give up, because usually the thing we can’t do, we actually can, and we just can’t be bothered to put our minds to it.

Though, in all honestly the feeling of –
“FUCKYOU, I can do this.” is rare for me.

So here it is.
My apology; to anyone I have ever shouted at through exasperation of the giving up, I am sorry, for now I see, it is the tiresome anger I have about not being able to do whatever it is I want to do that holds me back in the first place.

I know I know, this journal was totally random, but for me it had a purpose.
Three times today I said those words.
Three times I shouted over them.
Three times I grew hot and bothered with irritation.

Yeah, I’ll admit, I still haven’t done the things I promised myself I couldn’t do, but now I commit.

“Try try and try again.”
Because whatever it is, there’s no need to give up.

September 1st, 2008 at 01:07am