bye bye doggy :[

So, for the past month, we've been dogsitting
This dog is seriously adorable
He's got a stupid name (Furby.... o.O), but i can overlook that
anywho, today his owners came home from Hawaii.
they came over for dinner, and it was all good, but then we finished looking at their pictures, and they had to go home, since it was about 10 o'clock, and they live about an hour or so away
when they took Furby, i just about started crying
it's kinda silly, but i've had him for a whole month, and i've grown really attached to him
it really sucks
they've only been gone for about half an hour, and i already miss him like crazy...
i feel so... silly
and they paid me
like, a LOT
i didn't want to take it, since just getting to take care of furby is wonderful enough, but they gave me $200!!!!!
that was completely unexpected, and very unnecessary

well, i guess now i can buy those Academy Is... tickets....
September 1st, 2008 at 07:31am