Weird dream that I had early this morning

I had a gig later that day and Dawn would be coming to get me soon. I had this feeling like my flat was haunted and I would occasionally see a set of my clothes walking about on their own (in the shape of a human) and at one point I managed to catch up to whatever was walking around in my clothes and get them back off it.

I decided to get rid of the clothes but I kept my Within Temptation hoody as I got that at a gig. So I took the trousers and shoes and went out the back door and across the car park at the back of my flat and in search for a bin to dump them in. I turn and start to work my way back to my flat but I became disorientated and collapsed.

Next thing I know I am waking up with my Granda is there helping me up. He helps me walk back to my flat. As I near my flat I can see I left without shutting the back door and I could see that Dawn had arrived with sweets to keep us going on the way to and during the gig. My dad had also turned up.

When Granda got me back in the 3 of them help get me onto my bed. My dad starts saying that he and a couple of other members of my family think my house is haunted and the rest of them know there’s something strange going on but aren’t sure what.

Just then I start to feel strange like some sort of feeling is washing over me and I am drowning in it. I then feel the same feeling being forced into me through my mouth. I try to explain this to Dawn and Dad but before I can I projectile clear tasteless vomit everywhere with Dad and Dawn looking on horrified.
September 1st, 2008 at 08:07pm