All of the new is here or comming

Today I made two new Profile layouts. The newest one is up on my profile but the second one was a brighter rainbow happy layout. The second one is totally diffrent and now I'm working on my "about" section of what I want to put in it. I feel extreamlly smart now that I know this. It makes me feel proud of myself that I learned something new yesterday that is this useful and fun for me to do in my free time.

I start school tommrow I'm not to happy about it but I'll live. I can't wait to meet the new people and see what I'm going to learn in ELA this year. I'm nevous about lunch though because I don't know whos going to be in it .As much as I want to meet new people I get nervous too and shy and I'm not a great speaker in my oppion.

My mom took out the Halloween decorations for me to decorate my room she says I do an wonderful job and I should start a side job of being a decorater. It made me feel sweet when it lasted and my grandma has also told me this once when I aranged her flowers. My mom didn't let me decorate the rest of the house though she says its to early. My mother is right about that. I had nothing to do though today and the George Lopez marthon doesn't come on until nine at night as far as I know. I'm not going to see of it due to the fact of the first day of school tommrow and being a freshman.

I made two new Post Secrets today and put them up in the Post Secret Topic in the Forums today. I also went to look at some pictures of art on deviantart, I don't use my account up there much because my digital cammera is broken and I can't take or upload pictures anymore. I'm hopping I can get it fixed if I ever get the chance to do that or the money.

If anyone can give me so me some oppions on my new layout I'd comment on anything you'd like it's just an idea and no one has to do it.
September 1st, 2008 at 11:03pm