So I'm sitting here, drink disgusting motel fridge water..

Because it's the only thing in here to drink besides equally foul tap water. For once I don't have six bottles of Coca-Cola sitting beside me. Must be why I actually feel tired tonight.

Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm in a motel? Because I live in one. Not bad eh?

I just posted yet another new story.
Shit I can't keep up with all these stories.
It's basically a satire of emo stereotypes / people who think they're emo / and some stories I've read on this website. I'm fucking bored.

I'm getting mighty sick of my counsellor. She always picks the most inconvenient times she wants to see me. Last time I had to take time off from work experience to go up to the school halfway through the day to go see her. And today was a teachers strike meeting, so we didn't have to go to school until 11. And I never go to school on these days, I prefer to stay home and do something more fun like hit my head against the wall, but she decided she wanted to see me third period. So my nan made me go. Darnish.

Ahhh October holidays can not come fast enough. Hopefully I'm going up to the Gold Coast.
(for all you Aussies out there, heh, you know what I'm talking bout)
Sun and warm and ... being away from a certain someone is gonna do me a world of good.
But being away from a certain someone is also going to kill me.
Ah I'm so confused!

Errrrkkk. This water is puke-alicious.

Stupidly I decided to fix up my hair tonight so I cut it, like l always do. And now I have an unreversable, unfixable, straight across, what my friends like to call an asian fringe. No racism intended, its just like the fringe some Asian girls have. Like straight across just above the eyes. Anyway, its a good look for some, for me, not so much. And now I'm stuck with it because I can't do a damn thing with my hair. Shigh.

Urgghhkk. Not looking forward to Father's Day. I always feel so guilty that I don't ring my dad, but what am I gonna say to him? Uh hi Dad, I know I've never rang you for Fathers Day before but I'm gonna start now for reasons unknown! (awkward silences guaranteed).

I don't know why my mum keeps suggesting I go on anti-depressants. I mean, l know why, but I just never realised she knew why too. Weird.

School sucks, my ass is numb, no one reads these, and when they do they don't read them properly so really I could say any damn thing I like especially in the middle of a paragraph coz people don't really read the full paragraph so hey hi how are you? You stink yes you that's right I'm talking to you haha and if you're reading this well congratulations you proved me wrong! And I didn't put that in capitals because that would draw attention to it. I just want to see if anyone would read that part on their own. And if you are... Wow. Congratu-fucking-lations.

I'm really not this bitter and sarcastic and bitchy sounding, just read some of my other journals. It's just the frame of mind I'm in. It's eat or be eaten. That makes no sense. Blah-di-blah-di-blah. I don't like anything that comes from the Disney channel except Phil of the Future. Ricky Ullman makes my heart strings kef-fuffle.

Aaaannnnyyywaaaayyyy... This journal is gonna be huge so I'll do you all an even huger favour and STFU right now.

Gen xxx
September 2nd, 2008 at 03:44pm