Oh my god! Wow!

In one night, after about maybe two hours of it being posted, one of my stories has gotten more readers than any of my other stories have gotten in nine months!!
If you haven't read it yet, please do.
It's a parody of emo stories and the stereotyping of emos and whatnot. And it's gotten a very positive response from everyone else.
So go and check it out, it'll take like five minutes of your time just to read the first chapter, and that's five minutes that you probably would have spent on what? Reading some boring journal, replying to someone on MSN or even commenting on this journal?
Oh, and if you read the story (which I really hope you do), please, please, please comment it. I base my life around comments pretty much, and if I don't get many or any, I don't feel like the story is worth continuing. Plus l just really really like to know what people think.
Anyway here's the link. Clicky clicky here!!

If you love me, you'll read!!! Ahaha.

Love Gen xxx
September 2nd, 2008 at 05:47pm