Sorry People

I know It's been forever since i've updated my story, but i just ain't feelin' it no more,
i know your prolly thinkin "what the hell?why now?!"
i just had to get it out there!

I started school again today, so I'm not going to be able to come on here as much, and my dear friend Ray, hasn't been on in forever which is heartbreaking because she's the only one that really talked to me,and was chill with my crazy-but!No-one else really talked to me about life in general and really cared so, I'm afraid I won't have much motivation to come on here :(

....not to mention that i've had some family problems with one of the older sisters and I'm still dealing with the sucicde of a very close friend of mine....

It's not that i don't love you guys, it's that since school started up, I have a crud-load of work to accomplish,hell, i already have assignments up the butt >.<(Including going to a play,by next monday,so if u kno where one is in So. Cal, let me know ASAP!)

other then that, if u need to get a hold of me, my myspace's: If u needs me, there's how you can get a hold of moi! =]
<3333333 you all!
September 3rd, 2008 at 07:03am