My Childhood Relived

I was recently talking to a close friend of mine about what we used to do before elementary school started, and I brought up how I used to watch tv, like Full House, or Roseanne. How I used to play video games sometimes, like Pokemon Channel.

For those of you who don't know, Pokemon Channel was this game nintendo released for the gamecube. It's basically, you're living in your house with this cool television, and pikachu comes into your house and watches shows with you. There's a shopping network, a game show, a cartoon channel, and news. All of which, pokemon related.

I thought it was the coolest thing.

So, I decided I'm gonna play it at my birthday with friends. I'm gonna see if I can find some old tv shows, like Angry Beavers and Rocko's Modern Life on DVD at the library or Blockbuster, so we can watch them. We'll play old songs on Rock Band. It'll be an "Our Generation only" party to remember.

it's gonna be pretty sweet.

The reason I thought of that was because my parents said they aren't gonna take me out for my birthday with a group of friends like they usually do. my mom said "maybe" the movies, but I don't want to do that for the third year in the row. I want to have something different. Shake things up a little bit.

You know how it is.

So, high school started. And i know there's some unwritten rule I can't talk about my highlights of the summer now, but I'm going to anyway:

At the beginning of my summer, I went to Jersey. We went to Cape May, and it was rather beautiful. I went on a bike ride with my friend Adele on that trip and my parents, and we ate ice cream in parking lots. It was pretty fun.

Then, camp started, which is what I'd been looking forward to, and always will look forward too. Camp is what keeps me alive, no even kidding. That camp saves lives, I swear.

Then, I went to amish country. More specifically, Lancaster, PA. It was really fun. We actually chased after them a lot, and saw a lot of corn, cows, and of course, Amish people. We learned so much about their culture. We saw a Beatles cover band in actual Lancaster the day after Independence Day, because it got rained out on the actual day. We saw their Queen of the Candle's festival, where the entire pond and river had candles. We ate at this place called The Chocolate Cafe, where I got amazing Chai and my mom got a peanut butter, chocolate, and banana panini for din-dins. We went to an amazing fireworks show, and I felt infinite by the end of the night.

I went to the Breaking Dawn opening with my friends Suzanne, Eve, and Emily, and we dressed up. We had so much fun, doing each others makeup and getting all fancied up after my first bike ride since I was ten, to the shopping center to get Taco Bell, pizza, and bubble rings. We met some really nice people, I ran into Mary, Nicole, and Vicki, and me and Suzanne were able to get out, with books in hand, before it was one.

Basically, my summer was spent with people I really love, and no one else. I feel really bad for not hanging out with some of the people i really wanted to see, like Kelly, Stacey, and Sam. It's all right though, because I'll see Kelly next week for my birthday, Stacey is in my spanish honors class and is also coming to the party, and I'm sure I'll hang out with Sam at least once before the end of the year.

That's all I gotta say.

Oh, and Kelly gave me the idea for this journal. So all credit goes to her.

So cha.

Some things never change. :)

Love Always, Sakura
September 4th, 2008 at 01:42am