The Flood

Ok so I stumbled across buzznet this morning and decided to hear that new escape the fate song "the flood" that everyone was making a big deal over.And I'll be honest.I laughed the whole way through it.Do you guys seriously thing that Craig Mabbit can sing? Because I think he sounds like a whiney little girl.Ronnie is a way way way way way way way etc.. better singer than Craig.Ronnie has a better stage presence.Craig just jumps off things and breaks feet.I'll have to admit, during the first couple months of all this Ronnie and Max crap I believed what Max was telling the media.And then I realized, that he was changing the story every time.He was basically attacking Ronnie in every interview and making him seem like worse and worse of a person.At Ronnie is doing his time.And I know im not the oldest and most mature person on here, but I think its pretty immature to trash talk someone who used to be your friend for twelve frickin years!And then I stumbled across Ronnies blogs and read them.And some of them were trash talk also.But one was true.

He said "I would rather be in prison and happy, because I know who I am and what I have become, then be in a band with a bunch of liars and backstabbers."

And this one was kinda funny.
"I didn't say anything about this before.. But you really are trying to be like me.. Fucking my ex girlfriend now, huh!!.. So... tell me!! How does my dick taste??..Aaaaand my microphone??

How is it living my life?? Must be pretty Rad.. I would know.. Don't get used to it. When I get out there won't be much left for you to live in cause the real deal will be back.. But hey, maybe you could sing back up in my band!!..."

So I know a few people will be pissed off because of this but I dont care.All I know is that Ronnie is a better musician than Craig and whenever he makes a new band, I will definately be a fan.And I know one cd that I wont be buying this fall...
September 5th, 2008 at 12:10am