~*~.Tell me what u think my horoscope means [[I'm open to every1's opinions]].~*~

Your horoscope for September 6, 2008:

You may be forced to make a decision in one way or another today, Kendra. At first you may struggle quite a bit as you weigh the pros and cons, and yet still are unable to make a commitment because you find fault with both options in front of you. Do not delay any longer. It is time to face the music and decide. At this point, it would do you more harm than good to deliberate even more.

{{Tell me what u think my horoscope means exactly.. I like knowing other ppl's opinions and thoughts. Thanks if ya do and if not, it doesn't matter, thanks anyways. Take care all, laters.}}

September 6th, 2008 at 09:26am