The Rapture of Canaan by Sheri Reynolds - Comments

The Rapture of Canaan
Sheri Reynolds
Publish year:
'The Rapture of Canaan' follows Ninah, an adolescent who lives in a devout Christian community. The Christian community is very strict and has rules that forbid people from speaking to other people in other communities. The punishments are severe and no one dares to break the rules. No one except Ninah. Despite the rules, Ninah still falls in love with James. The community decides to make an exception to the rules and allow the couple to become a "prayer partners". When Ninah gets pregnant, James commits suicide because he is too fearful of the punishments that would be afflicted on him. Ninah, also fearful, tells the community that she did not get pregnant from James, but from Jesus. When the baby is born, the baby's palms are attached and that causes the entire community to believe that the baby is the new Messiah.
