Murderville 2: The Epidemic by Ashley and JaQuavis - Comments

***ville 2: The Epidemic
Ashley and JaQuavis
Publish year:
In the epic trilogy of ***ville arrives its long-awaited sequel: ***ville 2: The Epidemic. A'shai is dead and Liberty has her heart transplant. The heartbreak that Liberty is drowning in outweighs all of the other trials she has been forced to go through. By a stoke of luck, she meets a man who is grieving just as hard as her over someone he lost. Po and Liberty are perfectly wounded souls that will come to love each other, though Po will never measure up to A'shai in Liberty's eyes. Together they will lock down the game after facing one of the biggest obstacles Liberty ever endured, but when they return to Liberty's home of Sierra, Leone, she soon finds out that the biggest threat of all can come from your own blood.
