Pet Shop of Horrors by Matsuri Akino

Pet Shop of Horrors
Matsuri Akino
Publish year:
Count D's Pet Shop is a mysterious pet shop in the heart of China Town. Run by a mysterious Chinese Count simply called, D, many customers find themselves stopping by to buy a pet to fulfill their wishes, dreams, and deepest desires. But buying a pet from this mysterious pet shop comes with a price, and there are three rules to obey when buying a pet from Count D's Pet Shop. Break any of these rules within the contract and you'll find yourself facing the consequences that just may lead to a mysterious disappearance or worse: Death. When Detective Leon Orcott is put in charge of solving a long string of ***s subsequently tied to Count D's Pet Shop, the rash cop finds himself cracking open a mystery that takes him further into the world of Count D's Pet Shop than anyone would dare tread.