Native Son by Richard Wright - Comments

Native Son
Richard Wright
Publish year:
Bigger Thomas is a product of his environment and the hatred surrounding it. He surrounds himself with others like him, others suffering under the racism and prejudice of the 1930s. His father died in a shooting, and his four family members share a rundown one room apartment. His family is dependent on the government to survive, and when Bigger has the chance to get a job, his mother makes him jump for it. He receives a job as servant in the Dalton household. The Dalton's claim to be supporters of the black community and aren't racist, but further reading and discoveries suggest otherwise. On his first night on the job he drives their daughter, Mary, to college, but upon arriving she tells him she never actually attends classes. Instead she sneaks off with her communist boyfriend Boris Max. That same night they get drunk, but somehow Bigger is able to drive Mary home safely, but getting her to her room is much more difficult. Since Mary is basically unconscious he has to carry her up to her room and put her to sleep, but after being laid down, Mary begins to make noise. For fear that he will be discovered in the girl's room and the accusations that will be made, Bigger attempts to quiet her by placing a pillow over her head. She stops making noise, but she also stops breathing. Next Bigger has to get rid of the body, and somehow attempt to get away with ***.
