A Rose for the ANZAC Boys by Jackie French - Comments

A Rose for the ANZAC Boys
Jackie French
Publish year:
After her brothers are sent off to war, Midge is sent to school in England to become a Lady, there she meets two girls - together they decide they are sick of attending class and sitting around while a war is happening. They set off for France, where they are trained to become nurses, attending to all the injured, but soon all the devastation and horror of the war sinks in. Midge learns the sad truth upon talking to some of the injured soldiers, that some of the injured troops are sent back to the front line, and greatly disapproves. Jackie French truly makes you feel as if you have entered WWI. This is one girl's story to overcomes her fear and absolutely desperate to do her bit - caring and attending to the over-flowing amount of injured soldiers coming in from the ANZAC forces at Gallipoli.
