Dark Water by Koji Suzuki - Comments

Dark Water
Koji Suzuki
Publish year:
Dark Water is a collection of seven short stories. The first story tells the tale of a mother and daughter who take up residence in a rundown apartment building only to find that there is more to it than they thought. The second story tells of a young man who, after hearing his friend boast about dumping his girlfriend naked on an island in Tokyo Bay, sets out to find out the truth. The third story tells the tale of a fisherman abusive to his wife who wants to figure out where she has disappeared to. The fourth tale is of a man who is conned into a pyramid scheme on a cruise only to have strange things begin happening. The fifth tale tells the story of a fishing crew who come across an abandoned yacht. The sixth tale tells the story of an amateur dance group staging a place in a converted disco but soon discover there may be more than meets the eye. The last story follows two adventurers explore an underground cave only to become trapped in its depths.
