Gay Marriage

  • Magazine Sickness.:
    Everybody makes this into such a big deal.
    Why does a slip of flimsy-arse paper mean so much to people?
    The ceremony, the vows - that is what should be important.

    I don't know, I just can't understand how bad it is in America because I don't live there. In Australia being gay is no big deal - sure you still can't get married here, but people don't run around going: THE GAYS ARE COMING ! THE GAYS ARE COMING !
    I agree completely. I live in Australia, and we are very welcoming to it.

    I have nothing against gay marriges.
    Its not about your gender.
    Its about love.
    Its about commitment.
    Its about the passion two people share.
    Not the discrimination.
    Its an outrage people think that just because they are of the same gender, they cant do what stright people can. Get married, have children.
    Im just.. blah.
    April 10th, 2007 at 02:28pm
  • I think gay marriageshould be allowed, I have alot of bi friends and they aren't freaks. When you love your own sex, its just like loving the opposite to them.
    Its love get over it! You cant make someone love the opposite sex. It may be against the bible, buteveryone sins, dont they? Its a free country to a certain degree. But gay marriage isn't across that degree!

    luv ya
    April 11th, 2007 at 06:02am
  • Image

    This says it all.

    I got this icon from xxSkittlexxWhorexx.

    [</3 Sara]
    April 11th, 2007 at 06:07am
  • that_gurl:

    This says it all.

    I got this icon from xxSkittlexxWhorexx.

    [</3 Sara]
    Does that mean you think incestual marriages should be allowed?
    You are opening a flood wall when you say love is love.
    If you say it, mean it.
    April 11th, 2007 at 08:06am
  • Agree with Dru.

    I also get tired of that same opinion for the debate. ' Love is love'. Yes, yes, we get it; but what else should make it accepting to the public/society's eyes? What is beyond looking at the same perspective?
    April 11th, 2007 at 01:46pm
  • Not about same-sex marriage, but about homosexual treatment.
    I figured I could just post it here instead of making a new thread.
    Tell me if I should just make a new thread, mods.

    Four assailants held a gay man in a camper, who was then tied up and brutalized for hours, allegedly to turn him straight.

    Two men were charged and the other two are having charges pending.

    And people say the world is becoming more accepting of homosexuals.

    -shakes head-
    April 14th, 2007 at 08:14pm
  • druscilla; in rags:
    And people say the world is becoming more accepting of homosexuals.

    -shakes head-
    I think we are becoming more accepting but there are some people
    who are going to grow up with the old influences of condemning anything different.

    South Australia, where I live, was the first state in Australia to decriminilize homosexuality. So, basically, its like I said somewhere else in this thread.I can't understand why its so bad in America and not bad here. It's just.. crazy.
    April 15th, 2007 at 04:23am
  • I say theres nothing wrong with it.
    If two people are in love and want to get married, they should'nt be told they can't because they are gay.
    Thats the stupidest thing ever, its like saying a man and a woman can't be married because people wont approve or something.
    Just because they arent straight, doesnt mean they arent people, they are, and as people they should be treated like people and be able to get married.
    April 16th, 2007 at 05:30am
  • The one thing i find the stupidest, is that they can no longer discriminate Black people, but they can tell Gay people what they can and cant do, they can treat us like trash, and If it is a sin against god, but almost all things relating to people, are created by god, then why is it a sin if it something he himself created. Why is it that everything 'bad' was created by the devil. Some say that homosexuality is a disease that can be cured, but it is always there, it can never be destroyed, it was on CNN, and i laughed my ass off all the way through with all the shit that they said about how it was wrong, I just feel bad for everyone trapped in america, Canada is way better, gays can still get married. Love is love, wether it be a man and a woman, 2 women or 2 men. It just bugs me that people are going Bi and Lesbian and Gay because its a trend now, everyone is bi, everyone is making out or fucking their best freind, that is sickening.
    April 16th, 2007 at 04:16pm
  • Bloodraine:
    xGhost In The Snowx:
    I just wanna share my opinion

    If they wanna get married...LET THEM!!!! If a man and a woman are allowed to get married then why can't a man/man/ woman/woman

    Why take away people's happiness???

    I have nothing against Gays cause I know a couple, and I have some friends that are Bi.........(Except the PDA)

    Let them be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Are Christians allowed to be happy(!!!!!!!!!!!!!) too?(??)
    If they have nothing better to do than be upset over a bunch of same sex people getting married then no they dont deserve to be happy

    \When you actually read some of the things said to be a sin, its rediculous.
    Women have to be forgiven MONTHLY just for having their PERIOD
    April 16th, 2007 at 04:30pm
  • Bloodraine:
    xGhost In The Snowx:
    I just wanna share my opinion

    If they wanna get married...LET THEM!!!! If a man and a woman are allowed to get married then why can't a man/man/ woman/woman

    Why take away people's happiness???

    I have nothing against Gays cause I know a couple, and I have some friends that are Bi.........(Except the PDA)

    Let them be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Are Christians allowed to be happy(!!!!!!!!!!!!!) too?(??)
    Sure Christians are allowed to be happy.
    And if the hypo-Christians would pull their heads out of their asses they would start worrying about their sins instead of others', as the Bible says they should.
    April 16th, 2007 at 11:55pm
  • Alrighty.
    This is a picture of Elton John, on the right, and his husband on the left. I think this picture is absolutely adorable and shows just how much they must love each other to dress up like that and actually go out and let people take their pictures.

    In short, I believe that gay marriage can be a miracle, as can heterosexual marriage. People do it all the time, so why people get worked up about it is beyond me.
    April 17th, 2007 at 12:39am
  • why would you want to get married in a church that would never really accept you anyway?
    April 17th, 2007 at 02:18am
  • Magazine Sickness.:
    why would you want to get married in a church that would never really accept you anyway?
    Because not all churches are like that.
    I'm a Christian and I want to get married in a church.
    April 17th, 2007 at 04:02am
  • Same-sex couples in New Jersey say they are being denied health care benefits even after state lawmakers passed legislation last December offering LGBT couples--through civil unions-- the state-level rights and benefits of marriage but not the title.

    "I called to ask if they were going to be honoring that law and providing me with the same coverage that they would any married couple, and I was told no," Bonfilio said. "The woman on the phone actually said to me, 'We do not have to obey New Jersey law.'"

    I think that the people should have lawsuits brought against them and found guilty of breaking the law.
    April 17th, 2007 at 07:53am
  • Two measures will go to Oregon’s state senate, one proposing domestic partnerships for same-sex couples and another providing discrimination protections for LGBT people. According to The Oregonian, the bills were approved Tuesday by the house and are expected to pass through the senate and on to Gov. Ted Kulongoski's desk, who is expected to sign them.


    South San Francisco High School was vandalized with racist and homophobic graffiti just before a weeklong celebration of diversity was scheduled to take place. Radio station KCBS quoted a student as saying, "There was Nazi symbols on some teachers' doors, there was the Star of David circled and then crossed out. There were a couple Bible verses, which I found personally offensive. On the side of the gym there was a big hand spray-painted with the middle finger sticking up saying 'Day of Silence This.'
    April 18th, 2007 at 06:36am
  • druscilla; in rags:
    Two measures will go to Oregon’s state senate, one proposing domestic partnerships for same-sex couples and another providing discrimination protections for LGBT people. According to The Oregonian, the bills were approved Tuesday by the house and are expected to pass through the senate and on to Gov. Ted Kulongoski's desk, who is expected to sign them.


    South San Francisco High School was vandalized with racist and homophobic graffiti just before a weeklong celebration of diversity was scheduled to take place. Radio station KCBS quoted a student as saying, "There was Nazi symbols on some teachers' doors, there was the Star of David circled and then crossed out. There were a couple Bible verses, which I found personally offensive. On the side of the gym there was a big hand spray-painted with the middle finger sticking up saying 'Day of Silence This.'
    That is completely disgusting.
    Some people are so horrible...
    April 18th, 2007 at 03:54pm
  • The mayor and half the city council of Madison, Wis., denounced the state's new ban on same-sex marriage Tuesday by adding a strongly worded statement to their oath of office.
    April 19th, 2007 at 12:49am
  • New Hampshire Governor John Lynch said Thursday he will sign legislation establishing civil unions for gay couples in New Hampshire. ''I believe it is a matter of conscience, fairness, and preventing discrimination,'' Lynch told The Associated Press in Concord, the state capital.
    April 19th, 2007 at 09:41pm
  • i like boobies they are fun to poke.. but not the point.. im bi.. and that makes me really sad.. cause yea.. i like girls.. and most likely will end up with one.. but we cant be married.. now thats just bull shit right there.. Disgust
    April 20th, 2007 at 03:03am