Doctor Who

  • Probably. I don't think I've ever come across someone who doesn't like Steven Moffat.

    And apparently (I read it on another message board, I don't know if it's been confirmed anywhere), The Waters of Mars is going to be aired on the 21st of November.
    April 19th, 2009 at 08:54pm
  • ^ I've known a few. One has his own blog and is quite vitriolic about Moffat.

    That's the thing about Whofandom. The further you get into it, the less forgiving people are.

    It'll probably be around that date but the 21st...that's CiN night, or something?
    April 20th, 2009 at 12:13pm
  • still haven't watched it, not going to watch it til the heroes finale me thinks, anyone like to fill me in?
    April 20th, 2009 at 05:47pm
  • Well...

    Lady Christina nicks a gold cup and makes her getaway in a bus. The Doctor climbs aboard said bus and detects wormhole. Crash through worm hole. alien planet. Creepy psychic "I can hear them, the dead!". Decides enough is enough and they start to work back together to get back home. Bus driver is a moron and dies. In London, UNIT turn up with the shouty lady from Turn Left and Malcolm (Lee Evans) sporting amusing Welsh accent. The Doctor calls up Malcolm. Decide way to get back home in Bernards. The Doctor and Lady Christina explore a bit and bump into Tritovores. Good aliens and the Doctor can speak their lingo. Go to their crashed spaceship and they find that said dead planet used to be inhabited and jumping (Tritovores came to trade stuff for poop) (I know...) but beacuse of the Swarm, this couldn't be. They send a cam to see the Swarm: big metal stingrays who make the wormholes by going around faster and faster nad faster around a planet until they create a wormhole and chuff off to the new planet to devour it. Next stop: Oh...Earth. The Doctor gets called up by Malcolm and he tells Malcolm how to set up the UNIT gizmos to shut off the wormhole. Then, the other passangers call him up to tell they're ran out of petrol. The Tritovores and the Doctor partner up and go to get a crystal powerstation thing at the bottom of a shaft but the Lady Christina goes and gets it. Turns out the Tritovores crash because they hit the swarm (like birds in aeroplane engines). The stringrays try to eat her but fail. The Tritovores are killed off. The Doctor and Christina run across the desert and fix everything to the bus and the bus now flies! Back in London the Shouty UNIT lady gives Malcolm orders to close off the wormhole, leaving the Doctor behind. he tells her no because he's a bit of a fanboy. She pulls a gun on him and he still holds his ground. Cue magic bus flying through the wormhole, followed by three stingrays. Malcolm shuts off wormhole and UNIT shoot down the stringrays. The Doctor lands back on Earth, recommends two blokes on the bus for a job in UNIt, gets hugged and "I love you!"'d by Malcolm. Lady Christina thinks she'll get away in the TARDIS but he tells her no. She gets arrested and he sonicks her handcuffs so she escapes because the police forget to put on the kiddielocks. She jumps off in flying bus. Creepy psychic lady does a bit of blatent foreshadowing by telling the Doctor 1. Your song is ending, sir. 2. It is coming back, out of the darkness. 3. He will knock four times. (!!!). He jumps off in TARDIS. The end.
    April 20th, 2009 at 06:08pm
  • The Master.:
    ^ I've known a few. One has his own blog and is quite vitriolic about Moffat.

    That's the thing about Whofandom. The further you get into it, the less forgiving people are.

    It'll probably be around that date but the 21st...that's CiN night, or something?
    True. I saw a quote somewhere that said:
    Whofandumb: I'm a bigger fan beacuse I hate it more than you.
    I lol'd.
    Have you ever been on Some people on there are just plain nasty.

    Yeah, Russell said in an interview that it would air "Novemberish". But I've no idea if that's CiN night. About the right time for it though.
    April 20th, 2009 at 08:14pm
  • ^ I hang out there all the time. When I feel masochistic, I try to argue about episodes. But I stay in the nice, non-loony bits of it.

    And that quote is too true which is bloody weird if you ask me. That never happens in Christianity or of MCR or something.

    The vitriol is quite extensive in the minority of DWF. Someone even set up a website to get Freema Agyeman kicked off the show. I's a TV show...calm down dear.
    April 21st, 2009 at 01:05pm
  • I've given up trying to argue with them. It's impossible to prove a point beacuse if you liked it, you're obviously not that big a fan =/ Their logic confuses me.

    Haha, do these people really think the BBC are going to listen to them just because they set up a website?
    April 21st, 2009 at 05:29pm
  • I'm definatly watching it after the finale next week in my Tuesday morning tv time :tehe:

    I'll start posting here properly when I watch it :XD
    April 21st, 2009 at 05:35pm
  • Peter Petrelli.:
    I'm definatly watching it after the finale next week in my Tuesday morning tv time :tehe:

    I'll start posting here properly when I watch it :XD
    No problemo. I'd like to see what you think of it.
    I've given up trying to argue with them. It's impossible to prove a point beacuse if you liked it, you're obviously not that big a fan =/ Their logic confuses me.

    Haha, do these people really think the BBC are going to listen to them just because they set up a website?
    People are idiots. what can I say?

    I dunno...I usually go for the comedic approach. I've had various responses because of that but usually people adding to the joke.
    April 21st, 2009 at 06:55pm
  • I watched some

    Is not impressed :shifty
    April 24th, 2009 at 11:54am
  • Peter Petrelli.:
    I watched some

    Is not impressed :shifty
    It's just a nice, daft filler story.

    I like it.

    But have you seen the trailer for the next ep? Looks a lot more...rawr.
    April 24th, 2009 at 11:58am
  • Nor, I haven't

    In truth I kept getting bored and started reading bryan Fuller interviews

    They should get him to write it

    It would be epic
    April 24th, 2009 at 11:59am
  • Who's Bryan Fuller/what's he written?

    Steven Moffat's episodes tend to be on the epic side of things, and he's head writer next series. You should watch it then.
    April 25th, 2009 at 06:12pm
  • Fuller's liek the most amazing TV writer ever
    I love him short of him leaving characters I detest alive
    But like he wrote for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager
    He wrote the all time favourite Heroes episode Company Man and saved the show recently
    And he created Pushibg Daisies
    And he's working on more Star Trek

    He's a very talented man and he'd make an epic Who writer :tehe:
    April 25th, 2009 at 06:15pm
  • Planet of the Dead...

    By Scottish falsetto Sock Puppets.

    It's pretty sweet!
    May 1st, 2009 at 01:54pm
  • i saw a bunch of those for the first series of Torchwood, they were brilliant

    but I can't watch it now. bocked.
    May 1st, 2009 at 08:49pm
  • The Master.:
    Planet of the Dead...

    By Scottish falsetto Sock Puppets.

    It's pretty sweet!
    I lol'd :tehe:
    May 2nd, 2009 at 07:33pm
  • haha I love doctor who. and that sock puppet thing was great.
    May 4th, 2009 at 06:48pm
  • The length of time it is until November has just suddenly hit me!
    I wont even be living at home any more =|
    May 4th, 2009 at 08:26pm
  • and i'll be almost 16, not even close to escaping.

    it's close to Thanksgiving, methinks.
    May 5th, 2009 at 04:02am