
  • PurpleStain

    PurpleStain (100)

    Neutral Zone
    Hash is in fact a lot harsher than green. Your body is more likely to be vulnerable to chest infections from smoking hash because of its low quality and that it can be mixed with plastic to mass produce a batch . I would rather be ripped off than smoke hash but your choice man :)
    I'm a big fan of hash, I kind of like it better, though I do get the quality stuff, because I haz connections.
    But yeah, the green stuff just makes me lazy as hell and I never want to do anything after I smoke it, but hash kind of boosts me up and opens my creative thoughts more, or it makes me wanna go partying or dancing. Smoke

    But all in all, I don't do it everyday, or every week even. I like being high, but I also like being sober. I just do it when there's an opportunity...
    May 26th, 2009 at 04:51pm
  • ella vator.

    ella vator. (100)

    United States
    I have a friend who said the next time he gets some marijuana he'll share it with me. :tehe:
    May 27th, 2009 at 03:30am
  • LudoLove

    LudoLove (100)

    United States
    I smoked weed for my first time ever yesterday. It was weird. it was different than I thought. Different from what my boyfriend told me. I didn't get high, though. Just everything else about it.

    Like, he told me that it would make me cough a whole lot. I don't smoke, but I've tried it. Cigarettes irritate my throat so much. I could barely feel the weed. He said it would taste like shit. I actually thought it tasted kind of good.

    Well, this is what happened.

    I've wanted to try weed for a while now, but never realy had a chance. I know a lot of people that do it, but I could probably only get it from two of my close friends. My boyfriend planned on doing it with me. He didn't want me doing it with anyone else. So, he came over to my house and we told my dad we were going to see a movie. I called up my grandma and told her to call in at the theater for tickets. I wanted to see a movie just to keep away from my house.

    Kevin and I walked to the theater. I got the tickets, and we went out and did it on the side of the building. He wanted to make sure I was high before he did any. He had a nic split up into two cigarettes. Yeah. The way he does his joints is takes some of the tobacco out of a cigarette and packs the weed in. Well anyways, one had more in it. The one he was giving to me. He told me to try a cigarette first. I smoked less than half of it and made him smoke the rest. It made me cough soo much. Then he gave me a jay. It was weird. I smoked it all without coughing like a crazy sick person. He looked at me and asked me if I felt any different. I told him I didn't. He gave me the other one(which was supposed to be mine in the first place). After the first hit, he looked at me and started laughing. He asked "Oh my God, are you high?!" I told him that I didn't know. He made me smoke most of that one and then he smoked the rest.

    He told me that my eyes were really red then asked if I felt different. I did feel kind of weird. My head felt kind of funny and so did my legs. It was like the inside of my head tickled. I had cottonmouth out the ass. It was just weird. I was really hyper, too. In the movie, he got like really horny and I dunno. I was like biting his neck and then smelling it. But I wasn't high. And that's not something I would normally do.


    Anyways, I'm probably going to try it again with my friend, Chelsea. She's never done it before, but might be able to get some from her neighbor.
    June 6th, 2009 at 12:49am
  • Jessie in Calalini

    Jessie in Calalini (300)

    I smoked weed for my first time ever yesterday. It was weird. it was different than I thought. Different from what my boyfriend told me. I didn't get high, though. Just everything else about it.

    Like, he told me that it would make me cough a whole lot. I don't smoke, but I've tried it. Cigarettes irritate my throat so much. I could barely feel the weed. He said it would taste like shit. I actually thought it tasted kind of good.

    Well, this is what happened.

    I've wanted to try weed for a while now, but never realy had a chance. I know a lot of people that do it, but I could probably only get it from two of my close friends. My boyfriend planned on doing it with me. He didn't want me doing it with anyone else. So, he came over to my house and we told my dad we were going to see a movie. I called up my grandma and told her to call in at the theater for tickets. I wanted to see a movie just to keep away from my house.

    Kevin and I walked to the theater. I got the tickets, and we went out and did it on the side of the building. He wanted to make sure I was high before he did any. He had a nic split up into two cigarettes. Yeah. The way he does his joints is takes some of the tobacco out of a cigarette and packs the weed in. Well anyways, one had more in it. The one he was giving to me. He told me to try a cigarette first. I smoked less than half of it and made him smoke the rest. It made me cough soo much. Then he gave me a jay. It was weird. I smoked it all without coughing like a crazy sick person. He looked at me and asked me if I felt any different. I told him I didn't. He gave me the other one(which was supposed to be mine in the first place). After the first hit, he looked at me and started laughing. He asked "Oh my God, are you high?!" I told him that I didn't know. He made me smoke most of that one and then he smoked the rest.

    He told me that my eyes were really red then asked if I felt different. I did feel kind of weird. My head felt kind of funny and so did my legs. It was like the inside of my head tickled. I had cottonmouth out the ass. It was just weird. I was really hyper, too. In the movie, he got like really horny and I dunno. I was like biting his neck and then smelling it. But I wasn't high. And that's not something I would normally do.


    Anyways, I'm probably going to try it again with my friend, Chelsea. She's never done it before, but might be able to get some from her neighbor.
    I'm thinking if you had smoked anymore you would have really felt it. When I first start getting a little high, it feels like the inside of my head is tickling, like the same feeling you get when your foots asleep. My legs feel shaky and twitchy. I never get hyper. Anything can make me laugh, but I never get hyper.
    More mellow. Very mellow.
    June 6th, 2009 at 01:41am
  • LudoLove

    LudoLove (100)

    United States
    Maybe my THC holes needed to open up or something.
    I told Kevin that I thought I was in the middle of high and sober and he said there was no such thing. He was like "You could have been buzzing, though." So, I guess I was buzzing.

    Do you know if eye drops take away the redness?
    I know I'm going to be doing it a lot more over the summer, and I'm going to be babysitting and around family and stuff and I want it to be a little less noticable that I'm high.
    June 6th, 2009 at 02:57am
  • cosmic killer.

    cosmic killer. (100)

    United States
    Personally, I hate the stuff. But I know enough people who do.
    June 7th, 2009 at 05:27am
  • pretty hate machine.

    pretty hate machine. (100)

    United States
    Maybe my THC holes needed to open up or something.
    I told Kevin that I thought I was in the middle of high and sober and he said there was no such thing. He was like "You could have been buzzing, though." So, I guess I was buzzing.

    Do you know if eye drops take away the redness?
    I know I'm going to be doing it a lot more over the summer, and I'm going to be babysitting and around family and stuff and I want it to be a little less noticable that I'm high.
    Eye drops like Visine etc. that are meant to reduce redness do help a lot. I've personally never used it, but a lot of my friends do. It's pretty much a must if you're going to be around people who will notice your eyes and possibly question it.
    Controlling yourself around family while being high sounds a little difficult.
    Good luck though.


    My friend tells me she prefers marijuana to alcohol because you can remember the stupid things you do, instead of being like 'wtf just happened?'.

    I think pot is nice. Haha.
    June 7th, 2009 at 06:23am
  • Tre Cool

    Tre Cool (100)

    United States
    I find it odd how I'm a hardcore Green Day fan and don't ever want to touch pot :XD
    June 7th, 2009 at 07:06am
  • cosmic killer.

    cosmic killer. (100)

    United States
    ha. That is amusing.
    Green Day.
    He sings about pot so much, it's crazy. :lmfao
    June 7th, 2009 at 07:21am
  • Tre Cool

    Tre Cool (100)

    United States
    Technically, he sang about pot. :tehe:
    June 7th, 2009 at 07:24am
  • LudoLove

    LudoLove (100)

    United States
    Is it weird that I like the taste of it?

    I was talking to my boyfriend about it and told him about how I liked the taste. He was like "Wow. I only know two other people besides myself that like it. You and my dad."

    Do you like the taste or do you not?
    June 7th, 2009 at 04:38pm
  • PurpleStain

    PurpleStain (100)

    Neutral Zone
    Nah, it's not weird.
    Personally, I love the taste and the smell, except if I'm making tea or something, then I try to camouflage the taste, because it's horrible on it's own, but with a little milk, cinnamon and honey, it's just lovely.
    June 8th, 2009 at 07:21pm
  • Jessie in Calalini

    Jessie in Calalini (300)

    I don't like the taste, but I don't mind it either. I've never tried to consume it, I've only smoked it.
    I do love the smell though. It's such a sweet smell.
    June 8th, 2009 at 07:41pm
  • adjacent.justice

    adjacent.justice (100)

    United States

    I'll never go near it, I won't touch it, hell. I won't even hang out with my 'friend' who does it.
    June 8th, 2009 at 11:29pm
  • Jessie in Calalini

    Jessie in Calalini (300)


    I'll never go near it, I won't touch it, hell. I won't even hang out with my 'friend' who does it.
    What's "kiest"?

    [/is stupid]
    June 8th, 2009 at 11:32pm
  • Beau Mark Bokan.

    Beau Mark Bokan. (100)

    United States
    Eh. It was alright, but it's not something that I would think of off the top of my head as 'fun'. It didn't affect (effect?) me, so I'm just blah on the whole thing.
    June 10th, 2009 at 05:50pm
  • LudoLove

    LudoLove (100)

    United States
    Eh. It was alright, but it's not something that I would think of off the top of my head as 'fun'. It didn't affect (effect?) me, so I'm just blah on the whole thing.
    If you do it a few more times, you'll feel it. Your THC holes probably haven't opened up yet. I've only done it once, but felt it a little because my holes were opened some. I wasn't high though.
    June 10th, 2009 at 08:58pm
  • Jessie in Calalini

    Jessie in Calalini (300)

    Eh. It was alright, but it's not something that I would think of off the top of my head as 'fun'. It didn't affect (effect?) me, so I'm just blah on the whole thing.
    The first time I did it, I didn't feel it at all. As a matter of fact, most people I know didn't get high when they tried it for their first time. If you want, you can try again. Remember, when you inhale, hold your breath for about five seconds and then exhale.
    June 10th, 2009 at 09:50pm
  • Optimus Prime.

    Optimus Prime. (100)

    United States
    Haha. The other day I was suppose to hang out with my friends. I went down to the park and I found one of them on his bike and asked him where the other one was, and apparently he had had a bad trip and freaked, hopped on his bike, and left before the other kid could catch up with him. We ended up finding him on my friends back porch trying to break into his house through the doggy door to get food. For about three hours later all he talked about was the neighbors boat and how he was going to get it. Then we asked him why he ran away and he said there were two ladies and they were suspiciously telling secrets and he had to get away, and that a big dog was going to eat him. When we found him on the porch he had his shirt on inside out, and we asked him why, and he said he "didn't want to talk about" then whiped out on his bike.

    xD. Oh the joys of marijuana.
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:19pm
  • PurpleStain

    PurpleStain (100)

    Neutral Zone
    The first time I did it, I didn't feel it at all. As a matter of fact, most people I know didn't get high when they tried it for their first time. If you want, you can try again. Remember, when you inhale, hold your breath for about five seconds and then exhale.
    Yeah, I actually didn't feel anything until the third or fourth time I smoked.
    But then I got a great buzz. :mrgreen:
    June 11th, 2009 at 12:08am