The iPod Memory Game

  • totheark.

    totheark. (100)

    It’s simple. Put your iPod, MP3, record player, whatever, on Shuffle, and then write down the memory that you associate the first three songs with, no matter how embarrassing =D I’ll start.

    Worst Case Scenario - The Hoosiers
    This probably reminds me the most of me and my friend Bronagh at the back of Science class. Bronagh got me into The Hoosiers and we used to put this one on our iPods at the same time and then mouth the lyrics and dance epically at the back of the room while the teacher was facing the board, and then have to abruptly stop whenever he turned around again =D Good times.

    What Do You Want From Me? - Cascada
    All of the songs from this album remind me of the last summer but this on especially does. It always brings back memories of being drunk at Caoímhbhe's house at her week-long house party, and all the laughs (and embarrasing moments :shifty ) we had.

    Christie Road - Green Day
    Band practise when my band and I (now with new members and new name and only a couple of the original founders omgno: ) were a Green Day tribute band. We knew loads and loads of songs and this was the first we ever played properly and perfectly together. It was a moment of epic proportions that I still look upon fondly, even though me and my drummer now ... hate each other ...

    Well, there's an example! It doesn't have to be that long, it can be shorter or longer, it can even be one word, depends on what you want to tell us. You can do more than three if you like as well, but try to keep three as the minimum =D

    April 6th, 2009 at 09:01pm
  • Chain Me Free

    Chain Me Free (130)

    United States
    My Way Home Is Through You ~ My Chemical Romance
    This song reminds me of first getting into My Chemical Romance and I listen to this song and assumed it was an older song of thier's when it was infact a newer one. And then singing the song to piss off my brother.

    Teenagers ~ My Chemical Romance
    I have 3 memories associated with this song. The first being when I would listen to MCR with one of my preppy friends. She willingly listened to it and liked it. Once her mother came inside and heard the song Sharpest Lives and made us change it.
    And the other memory is from last year when my friend and me would sing this at the lunch table. We aren't really friends anymore but we still sung it when the song came on the Studio 9 a few weeks ago.
    And the other when a kid at school came and admitted that MCR was good when he heard it on S9, he never bothered me about liking it anymore.

    Paralyzed ~ The Used
    When I went on the Chicago trip with a group of preps who really didn't talk to me much at all. I almost wore my The Used shirt that day. Thank god I didn't! It was pouring rain and it was a pale shirt. On the way home from the trip I listened to Lies For The Liars the whole ride back. I had to sit by myself because no one would talk to me.

    In truth I didn't have any memories tagged with some songs so I chose the one's that did. :tehe:
    April 6th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • stan uris

    stan uris (100)

    United States
    Marvelous Things - Eisley.
    This reminds me of the Renaissance Fair. It just has a medieval sound to it.
    And of course, the Jesse Lacey/Sherri Dupree/Max Bemis fiasco. :XD

    You're The One For Me, Fatty - Morrissey
    Always reminds me of this story I read on Quizilla about John Nolan, and it was absolutely adorable.

    Screamer - Good Charlotte
    Sixth and Seventh grade. My best friend back then and I used to think we were so badass for listening to Good Charlotte :roll: We were basically obsessed tweens. But Good Charlotte's old music always brings back good memories.
    April 6th, 2009 at 10:41pm
  • nearly witches;

    nearly witches; (100)

    United States
    Jude Law and a Semester Abroad; Brand New;
    Last summer, Sara introducing me to Brand New and me falling in love and fighting off my demons.
    Dana telling me about a friend obsessed with the name Jude or something and wanting to talk to me.
    That friend of Dana's band that sounded... all right. Their sound was comforting, but not in a charming way. In a 'just-kind-of-there' way.
    I never really loved this song, but those are what makes me listen to it when it comes on.

    Toasting Skin; The Acadeny Is...;
    God.In Love Last winter?:tehe: As well as the summer before; basically, last summer, autumn, and winter.
    The ex- and Bree Ross, excitment over the song we found out about the summer song when the season was on its' way out.
    YouTube searches and TAI TV.
    Warmed by simple thoughts. Beautiful, beautiful moments.
    My hero before his time came.
    In Love Yea.

    Like a Prayer; Madonna;
    :lmfao This hasn't come on in forever.
    Times years ago watching 'I Love The '80's' and such.
    In the car with Brooke and Janayah and Madonna coming on. Aloud they wonder where Kath is, and my asking what they mean by that, exactly.
    That's when I found out the Princess and I had something else in commmon; Madonna.
    Learning Kath sings the entire Mary Poppins soundtrack with her sister.
    Feeding the homeless andhiding in cleaning a walk-in fridge.
    April 6th, 2009 at 10:57pm
  • Oscar Wilde

    Oscar Wilde (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank You For The Venom - MCR
    This song reminds me of the days where I was crazy over MCR, and when they were still my favourite band. I still adore the album it's from, and I still thank them for being one of the reasons I first got into rock, but my love for them has slowly and surely died down.

    Ace of Spades - Motorhead
    This reminds me of first getting into rock, and if I'm honest, playing the game Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3. This song was on the soundtrack. I would play that game a hell of a lot. It was also one of the first playstation games I ever played. :XD

    Strangelove - Depeche Mode
    My mum telling me about how she almost met some of the band members. Also when my dad was showing me and my brother how to play "Personal Jesus" on the piano. :tehe:
    April 6th, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • Chain Me Free

    Chain Me Free (130)

    United States
    I Don't Love You ~ My Chemical Romance
    Fighting with my mother in the car. Whenever we fight in the car and I am listening to MCR it comes up right when we start fighting. I still love the song though, it doesn't make me upset.

    Don't Trust Me ~ 3Oh!3
    Singing this with Connor during math today. It was great. :lmfao
    And singing it with my brother.

    Self-Esteem ~ The Offspring
    My daddy. He listened to this in the car when I was little. That is why I know who The Offspring are. He also got me into The Beastie Boys.
    April 6th, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • paper bag.

    paper bag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    4am forever - lostprophets
    Unlucky this came on actually, bad memories, my ex sent me the link to the youtube video of this when we were going through an absolutely terrible patch and pretty much broke up. i played it like evens times, read the lyrics, cried a lot and took him back. It just reminds me of a night I spent sobbing from 7pm to 7am. bad times.

    Kids - MGMT
    singing this up the downs with aims and fi, drunk off our faces but having the best of times. This is last autumn for me, when i was busy living for once, it was a realll good timeee. We almost got to see them live but the tickets sold out :/

    Dance all night - kid's in glass houses
    forcing the fittest, most shaggable of the boys in our year to listen to this because he'd never heard kigh before and I wasn't having it. He liked them in the end as well . It was funny as hell 'just take the fucking headphones,.. you like all time low don't you? well these are welsh and better!' :tehe:
    April 6th, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • villain.

    villain. (160)

    United States
    Chemicals - Armor for Sleep
    And sitting on the ground at bamboozle with Matt, Briana, Steph, Arianna and Allie and having that old man come spin a bottle in our little makeshift circle and then telling me I had to kiss him. And just the bamboozle weekened in general with them. I don't even know if AFS played this or not. :tehe:
    Cocaine -Strata
    It reminds me of Emi. Because once upon a time long ago she wrote a one-shot based off Strata lyrics and that's what got me into them. And also Alyssa harassing Eric Victorino online. :lmfao
    Calling All Cars - Senses Fail
    Sitting in the sand in Asbury Park all day with Marissa waiting for the doors to open at Taste of Chaos. And the spring of last year.
    April 7th, 2009 at 12:03am
  • Chain Me Free

    Chain Me Free (130)

    United States
    We Sleep Forever ~ Aiden
    Two friends I used to hang out with once in a while. They were really into Aiden. I almost got to go to Warped Tour with them, but I really wasn't into music back then
    Send My Love To The Dance Floor I'll See You In Hell (OhMr. DJ) ~ Cobra Starship
    Staying at home all summer. I used to watch No.1 Countdown all the time.
    Under Pressure ~ The Used/ My Chemical Romance
    I just love this song. I don't really have memories attached to it.
    April 7th, 2009 at 12:21am
  • arizona skies.

    arizona skies. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    4 Words To Choke Upon - Bullet For My Valentine
    Reminds me of one of the most epic gigs I've ever been to.
    It also reminds me of my best friend, and singing it during our media lessons.
    April 7th, 2009 at 12:24am
  • socontagious.

    socontagious. (100)

    United States
    Five Minutes To Midnight - Boys Like Girls
    2008 New Years. My friend was having a new years party and we were singing this song right before midnight. :D It was fun haha.
    Lullaby - Creed
    It always reminds me of a friend. When one of my closest friends spent the night at my house we listened to this song a lot and ever since it has always reminded me of her. :]
    Jaded (These Years) - Mest
    Mest songs always bring good and bad memories at the same time(If it makes any sense I mean that in a good way lol.) This song always reminds me of the times I spent with one of my best friends before she moved out of state.

    >.> I had to cheat a bit and skip a few songs that didn't really bring memories.
    April 7th, 2009 at 12:48am
  • Chain Me Free

    Chain Me Free (130)

    United States
    Try Honesty ~ Billy Talent
    Being in my room or on the computer looking up all the lyrics I wasn't sure I got right in all the songs I listen too.
    You're Not Alone ~ Saosin
    Being a bit depressed about not having any fun and just staying home for the whole damn summer. Again a No.1 Countdown video.
    Taylor singing Show Me Your Booty Hole in P.E.:lmfao I was like "I know who sings that." :tehe:

    Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Both Of Us ~ My Chemical Romance
    My sister's old friend who liked MCR and said that it was fine if I like them too as long as my favorite song wasn't this one.
    April 7th, 2009 at 12:55am
  • McCookies.

    McCookies. (100)

    United States
    My World - Avril Lavigne

    :shock: Ah, good times. This song makes me think of summer camp, oddly enough. When my mom used to pick me up I asked her over and over if we could listen to one of my Cds, and I had just gotten this album. We'd listen to the album all the way through and sing the songs. [mostly me, she sang only the ones she liked.] I used to listen to this song [and others] before I went to bed at night. It made me happy.

    Liar - It Takes One to Know One

    I remember the fist time I saw the video, of course. :file: It was the second song I'd heard from Louder Now, and I was all :cheese: have to buy it.
    And I did.

    My Girl - Nirvana

    I remember laying on my bed an staring at the ceiling while this played on my speakers for the first time. I was home alone, just zoned out. I found the CD in the attic, and I was sitting there all :shock: This is probably my favorite Nirvana song. It's eery. Sends tingles down me spine.
    April 7th, 2009 at 01:03am
  • cyanide cola.

    cyanide cola. (200)

    United Kingdom
    So What - Pink.

    Going to Largs with Caitlynn. We went there with, Amanda and Hayley, just to get ice cream. :lmfao

    Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

    ...When I first started talking to Scott. That was playing.

    Shut up - Lafee.

    Just school with, Caitlynn & Paul. :cute:
    April 7th, 2009 at 01:13am
  • Vicious.

    Vicious. (150)

    I Miss You - blink 182

    This song reminds me of playing singstar in my friend's basement. [And epically failing at it.]

    Chelsea Smile - Bring Me the Horizon

    Goodness, what doesn'tthis song remind me of? Linzi, biology, history, German, and singing it who a friend who misunderstood the lyrics and thought that I was telling her I was pregnant. :lmfao

    Emo Kid - Adam and Andrew

    Me and my friends joking around, and my pony.:tehe:
    April 7th, 2009 at 02:05am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Dirty Little Secret; AAR.
    It reminds me of when I used to RP and write about Nikki Armstrong [OFC of mine] all the time. And I used to play pool constantly because she was awesome at it.

    Every Other Time; LFO.
    Just graduated high school and I used to take walks with my brand new iPod [grad present] and this was my favorite current song.

    Folkin' Around [Live in Chicago]; PATD.
    It reminds me of seeing Panic for the first time, HCT. Ryan and Jon switched places and Ryan was on our side of the stage. I was the only person clapping while singing along and Ryan smiled at me twice. :cute:
    April 7th, 2009 at 02:51am
  • nikiroo

    nikiroo (100)

    United States
    Jai Ho!- The Pussycat Dolls
    Of me asking my sister how to say goodnight in Japanese and her saying "Jai Ho!"
    Santeria- Sublime
    When me and Meaghan were watching The Hot Chick and they mentioned santeria and we both started singing it and she was like "OMG You know that song, too?" :cheese:
    Basket Case- Green Day
    When me and my sister spent an entire day watching a countdown of the greatest hard rock songs on Vh1 and this was one of the many songs we became addicted to.
    April 7th, 2009 at 03:59am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    She's So High; Tal Bachman.
    ____Summer before seventh grade. Discovering MTV. This one of the songs that played all summer.

    She's My Winona.
    ____Reminds of her.

    Everything to Everyone.
    ____Reminds me of listening to this song in the truck with my dad and brothers. Josh used to do this weird-ass dance to it.
    April 7th, 2009 at 04:12am
  • DragonxFox

    DragonxFox (100)

    United States
    Stricken by Disturbed
    This reminds me of a friend of mine. I feel like it really defines how he feels. It also reminds me of how I feel =/

    Aquarius by Within Temptation
    Reminds me of how happy I used to be, I'd walk home with this song and be laughing when others stared at me for dance-walking.

    Baby Come Home by Dirty Sweet
    Reminds me of one of my besties. She introduced me to this band XD
    April 7th, 2009 at 06:19am
  • Sharksnacks.

    Sharksnacks. (100)

    United States
    The Bells of Rhymney - The Byrds
    This reminds me of last year when I was super depressed and didn't think that there was hope for the future.

    Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
    When I had a huge crush on this one guy, but then realized that it would never work out.

    Skylines and Turnstiles - My Chemical Romance
    It reminds me of September 11th 2001. It was so traumatizing.
    April 7th, 2009 at 06:27am