Anyone Want To Apologize?

  • Dear Grace,
    I'm really sorry for all the hell I put you through in each story you were a part of. I'll admit I used you as a scapegoat; every time I was hurt or confused my first thought was always "Well, Grace gets to die this time." and I'm sure if you existed and read all the things I did to you you'd hate me forever, and you'd be justified.
    September 24th, 2013 at 08:07pm
  • Dear Penelope,

    I'm sorry for what I'm about to put you through, but you know that I do it for a reason. Your future might not too so good, but it is what it is, and there is no way I can change it. I'm sorry.
    October 16th, 2013 at 07:22pm
  • Dear every kid on Mr. Doug's bus:

    There is so much more to each of you than meets the eye. I wish I got to write about all of you individually. Also, I think there's a part of Doug that actually cares about you guys.

    Love and kittens,
    October 17th, 2013 at 03:50am
  • Dear Jimmy,

    I am so, so, so, sorry.

    You are the best.

    Love you and your beautiful soul.

    [Shadows Creed]
    October 20th, 2013 at 04:01am
  • Lulu, I'm sorry that you're going to be fiercely awkward (not really though) but it's okay because I know you'll embrace them tehe

    Dylan, I'm sorry that you're paired with Lulu but then again, I'm really not XD
    October 20th, 2013 at 09:54am
  • vee, i'm...just so sorry.
    fae, things will get better. stay strong.
    céline, be good. don't use that gun. keep an open mind.
    October 20th, 2013 at 10:25am
  • Fletcher,

    I am so sorry he's not who you thought he was. And I'm sorry you'll tear yourself up over it.
    October 20th, 2013 at 10:37am
  • Dear Doug,
    I know this is the millionth time I've apologized to you, but I'm just sorry for giving you the most pitiful backstory of any character I've ever had. I'm really gonna miss writing as you. You're one of my easiest characters to write, and I think it has to do with the fact that I've "known" you since winter 2010. Keep your head up, buddy - and take Mercedes up on her offer. Wink

    Love & kittens,
    October 20th, 2013 at 05:24pm
  • Chase. I'm really sorry. I mean, your death was kind of fast and you seemed pretty happy beforehand, but still - you did die. I'm also sorry that I had your murderer forget your name. What can I say? Life's a bitch. You kind of just became a blood stain on a carpet.

    October 28th, 2013 at 05:01pm
  • Dear entire cast of Spin:

    Your story isn't dead, it's just...hibernating, I guess. Someday I'm gonna rewrite every chapter-episode and make them so much better, and someday I'll delete it off of Mibba and start fresh. I'm just really sorry. I love revisiting you guys and making you grow, and there's still plenty of life in all of you. It'll be alright.

    Dear Olli Lolli (and The Goons), Violence Ladies, Fire Motion, The Max, and Hooligans!:

    Someday your stories are gonna be told. In the scheme of things, you're just as important as Plaster Caster and Put'emup, Put'emup. I dunno if any of you have ties to the supernatural or if you have crazy four-part sagas you want to tell, but...hey, we'll get there.

    Love & kittens,
    January 23rd, 2014 at 04:33am
  • Dearest Hayley, Oliver and Mr Williams from The Rushing of the Water,

    I am ever so sorry for putting you through that crap and making you in particular, Oli, so stand offish and uncaring. Arms I'm especially sorry to you Hayley. I did such bad things.

    Love, Jacqui.
    P.S. Your other story is really quite lovely.
    January 23rd, 2014 at 08:22am
  • Dear Mike, I'm sorry for giving you cancer. I'm sorry I wrote that Vic hates you because we both know you guys are close. I'm sorry for shaving your head of all of your glorious hair when you already seem pretty embarrassed about it thinning. I'm sorry that I'm going to let you recover but only at the cost of parenting your incestual love child with your older brother. I'm sorry that I'm going to have to take all that was good about you and destroy it for the story if only to give Vic a taste of his own medicine. I'm sorry for making you panic in my head because I haven't decided if your baby lives or dies. Best regards, Shay.
    January 23rd, 2014 at 04:49pm
  • dear harry, i put you through some tough shit. like, how have you even survived for this long? it's okay, you'll get every single happy ending that's due to you. in time, it will be okay. maybe. i don't know. i'm pretty bad to you. i don't expect that to change, and you could have a disastrous ending just to amuse me. i'm sorry. really. well, not really, it's fun stirring up the sandbox, but i am sorry for all the shit you've been though from my own doing. it's the sweetest torture, because you'll get everything in the end. possibly. you could also die. i don't know. and i'm sorry about your possible imminent demise.
    January 24th, 2014 at 12:35am
  • I'm sorry to Tom, for this simple small chaptered story I'm about to begin. I'm not necessarily going to make you suicidal. But I always have a thing for making you the insecure brother. But I hope that you will see by the end that Oli truly does love you and all your little things.

    I'm sorry, Michael, that your father won't admit his feelings. I'm sorry that you're about to give him the best night of his life and he's going to want to forget about it. I'm also sorry that he's making you join the military only to get you out of the house for his own selfish gain. It will get better.

    I'm sorry Danny, that I'm about to impregnate you and make your life with Mason fall apart. There's light at the end of the tunnel though.

    And lastly, Davey. I'm so, so, so sorry for all the shit in your life that I'm going to be hashing up. You're only seventeen and you don't want to think about it. But Colton's gonna love you. Okay? You need to calm down because when your ship finally sinks, he's gonna be right there beside you.
    January 27th, 2014 at 03:13am
  • Nat, I'm sorry that in the next chapter you're going to go through a range of emotions where you'll be very confused and you'll probably stay that way for about eight chapters or so. But you'll like the ending, I promise.

    Josh, I'm sorry. You'll know why soon.

    Mick, I'm sorry that I don't portray as well as I'd like you to. I know you love Nat and you don't exactly show it in the most mature or best of ways, but you'll get your lovely scene soon, I promise.
    January 31st, 2014 at 04:39pm
  • Dear Myles,
    I'm sorry for you having met this one person that changed, and indirectly ruined, your life. I'm sorry for making you become his best friend, I'm sorry you went to such great lengths for him. I'm sorry you had to lose half of your body, never complete your transformation and live in pain for the rest of your life, despite looking so perfect. I'm sorry for all the people who thought you were so free and happy, I'm sorry he never noticed you. I'm sorry for making your heart long for him, and for you to do everything and anything as long as he smiled, and I'm sorry for that fact that he never did - at least, not while you were alive. I'm sorry you had to go through all that shit, and have your heart eaten in front of your eyes, to never be buried, to never rest in peace.
    You played your role well, and I thank you.
    February 1st, 2014 at 09:33am
  • Johnson, I'm sorry that Moira isn't who you think she is, but don't worry, it'll be okay in the end. I'm sorry that you'll be crushed originally, though.
    February 1st, 2014 at 02:13pm
  • Collier, mate, I'm sorry I left you hanging in The Manmaker and I swear I'm trying to bring you back because I really, really liked you. You were pretty fabulous and I'm working on putting you into a new story, a new life.

    Ace, I'm sorry I had you marry a Six. I broke both of your social statuses in doing so.

    Avia, I'm sorry you're going to be the first romantic character I've ever written and also that your love interest is a disfigured little dreamer; it'll be hard loving a girl who will never see your face or feel your hands in hers.
    February 1st, 2014 at 10:58pm
  • Titan, I preemptively apologize for what I'm about to do to you and you family. You're a great character, and you'll get something out of it.

    Isaria, I apologize for killing your family and making you go blind in one eye.

    Atlas, I apologize for killing your grandfather and for soon killing you. I swear it had to happen.
    February 4th, 2014 at 09:30pm
  • Dear Alex from Through the Crowd,

    I'm sorry for bringing the past into your life again and I'm really sorry for not giving you the girl you thought you wanted.
    I know you had to learn the hard way, but you'll be okay.

    February 9th, 2014 at 09:09pm