
  • I've had plenty of them. They annoy me a bit. The more comments the better and I like to know what people think so lurkers on my stories annoy me.

    But a reader is a reader so I'm not amazingly fussed.
    May 3rd, 2009 at 07:19pm
  • If I comment, then it kinda turns out like an English J.Cert answer.

    I posted one on my friends story before and it was like a seven paragraphs. So, if I'm tired I don't comment.

    Sometimes, I wait until the end of a story so I can just post a huge comment and point out everything I liked/noticed. If someone makes a big mistake then I will comment straight away but otherwise I probably won't.

    I take Honours English, so all the tiny little grammar/spelling mistakes really irk me and I literally slap myself when I make them. Because of that, if I comment about them then I would most likely get banned.

    I don't actually mind lurkers. They might not have anything to say, not have the time or just mightn't want to. I do hate Flamers though.
    May 4th, 2009 at 02:43am
  • I don't like the idea, but I'm not complaining. Especially if they subscribe but don't comment, I'm definitely not complaining.

    What bothers me though is that maybe some of those people read and didn't like it. But I don't know for sure because they don't tell me, y'know?

    Ghost subscribers kind of make me smile. I had this one story with 0 comments, but 3 readers and 1 subscriber. That 1 made me happy.

    And I lurk around a bit too, so I'm in no position to judge.
    May 4th, 2009 at 09:05am
  • Don't get me wrong, I love that I have readers, but I'd really like them to comment or let me know they're alive. It'd give me more incentive to update if I knew people actually cared. Help me help you!

    But it's great going to your story section and seeing that you have 1 more subscriber. It's fantastic :tehe:
    May 4th, 2009 at 07:26pm
  • ^ I know it's great to see that people read your stories and are interested enough to subscribe, but I find it quite upsetting that they don't tell you what do they think about it. It makes it difficult to actually progress on your writing.
    May 5th, 2009 at 02:59am
  • I'll admit that I'm a regular lurker xD
    But sometimes I'll be interested in a topic and just read it. I won't necessarily want to contribute unless I have an opinion on the matter (i.e. NOW). I mean, if every lurker posted ... *shudders* Half of the comments would be pure junk.
    May 7th, 2009 at 01:05pm
  • I think that there are three people who comment my stories (when I still wrote them) out of the seventy five+ readers. Each time I noticed that it was the approximate same number of people each time. So I know I have some, but they don't really bother me. Maybe they just have nothing to say?

    I mean, I know I read stories and all I can think of is 'Good job! I like it'. What's the point in posting that? I only post comments when I either really love something, or am in the mood to go through and pick the chapter apart.

    May 7th, 2009 at 06:11pm
  • I concur with lyrical_mess about suscribers. They make me happy. :cute:

    But I get a little bit downhearted when I have, like, 53 readers, no comments and no suscribers.
    In that sense, I'd rather have someone comment and tell me what I'm doing wrong.
    May 7th, 2009 at 06:24pm
  • I know that if I read a few chapters of a story, but don't like it, I don't want to have to comment on it, but I also know that I have more than the amount of people who comment subscribed to my stories. I get relatively the same amount of readers on each chapter, so I am assuming they are almost all the same people. It irritates me when people who are subscribed and enjoy the story don't comment, because it's like taking the writing for granted.

    If I enjoy a story I always try to leave a comment after every update, because I love it when people leave comments after every one of my updates. It's a nice feeling knowing that once you post something, you will have comments, at least from the regulars. Regulars also can turn into great friends, I talk with them about anything :). A new face is always a thrill, and a lot of times it's a thrill that's very hard to get.

    But then again, if Mibba were to stage a policy that you had to comment if subscribed, there would be a hoard of comments that only said 'I like it.' and probably a shortage of subscribers. Discouraging is a different thing, however. I'm all for discouraging it.
    May 10th, 2009 at 07:30am
  • Yeah, I have some on my new story, only my obssession is commenting, and I have like five subscribers! I hate it but I can understand why they wouldn't want to comment. I don't think Mibba should ban it, I don't mind, and I'm sure if I just asked in the next update, I'd get some.
    May 16th, 2009 at 04:33am
  • I lurk a lot, but I also don't read a lot anymore so it matters a little less. :tehe:

    I dunno, this is probably gonna sound horrible, but a lot of users on Mibba hate short comments. So I don't bother commenting unless I can come up with something good, or else they're probably not gonna appreciate it, you know? It makes me feel a little less guilty than if I had left some pathetic comment they probably got annoyed at because it wasn't longer.

    -shrugs- I'm okay with people not commenting my stories, I understand 'cause I do it too. If they really like it, they'll comment, so I'm cool with that. Commenting isn't the most important thing in the world anyway.

    I'm usually a massive lurker though, so I'm doing better on Mibba than I would anywhere else. :cute:
    May 16th, 2009 at 06:21am
  • I actually don't mind short comments. At least I'm getting some sort of feedback. :D
    I try to comment on most of the stories I'm subscribed to because I'm sure the authors, like me, appreciate any sort of recognition for their work, no matter how short or long the comment may be.
    May 16th, 2009 at 06:29am
  • lyrical_mess:
    Ghost subscribers kind of make me smile. I had this one story with 0 comments, but 3 readers and 1 subscriber. That 1 made me happy.

    And I lurk around a bit too, so I'm in no position to judge.
    I had a similar situation and it definitely made me smile.

    I don't mind lurkers. Sure I'd like to get feedback on my stories, but whatever they do is okay with me... I don't comment on all the stories I read.
    May 17th, 2009 at 12:50am
  • I'm personally not bothered about lurkers.

    I know that not everybody has time to leave feedback and I write for myself. So when I get feedback, it's a bonus for me. So if people want to read and not comment, that's fine with me.
    May 17th, 2009 at 12:54am
  • When I read a story I try to comment at least once if I subscribe.
    But if I don't feel a deep enough feeling I don't wanna force something half-assed just for the sake of it.

    I used to comment a lot, but now it's just getting harder as I am getting pickier.

    I love to know what my readers think, but I prefer proper comments to the 2-3 worded ones.
    May 17th, 2009 at 01:13am
  • I have plenty of them, but I think if I had a comment for every lurker I had, that would be alot of comments xD
    October 31st, 2010 at 07:30am
  • I've come to accept them. I'd be happy knowing that if they read my story in full and enjoyed it, then that's enough for me.
    October 31st, 2010 at 08:37am
  • I've accepted them too, mostly because I know there are a lot of silent readers who've read my stuff. But I discovered the best way to draw them out, and that's to make a silly mistake like post the same chapter five times on accident Shifty
    October 31st, 2010 at 04:52pm
  • I think lurkers have as much right to exist as nonlurkers obviously. They can do their thing in obscurity and I am okay with that. However, I generally do not allow myself to be a lurker. If I read something, I try to come up with some sort of comment (helpful, at that! if I can manage it.)
    October 31st, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • I'm actually a lurker--on an off, of course. Sometimes, I mill through stories, but only comment on the ones that catch my interest. Most of the time I don't even comment on those, because I'm speechless. I love giving constructive criticism, but I also love getting it.

    I don't get it a lot. I'm grateful that people even click on my stories, let alone read them. But like someone earlier said, I write mostly for myself. Hell, I love knowing what people think of it, and sometimes I even worry over it. Though, one good comment can send me spiraling into some high, or something. I can't stop smiling, and that's good enough for me for a while.

    Wall of text--my bad.
    November 4th, 2010 at 04:25am