Slang From Your Hometown.

  • tony montana:
    Tits/The Tits Awesome - "Man, that party was (the) tits!"
    Vanilla City Fort Collins - "We're staying in Vanilla City for the weekend."
    (because of the almost non-existent minority population in FoCo)
    Bones Money - "That kid owes me twenty bones."
    Chillax Chill/relax, usually means to smoke bud. - "Let's go chillax to relax."

    "We went to a tits party up in Vanilla City, but after getting jacked fifty bones, we decided to call it a night and just chillax."

    Fuckin' 303. Rolling Eyes
    You know it.

    drug rug: baja hoodie. stoners wear them.
    people's republic of boulder: the city of boulder, so-called because it's so closed-off and white.
    white kid bling: a ski pass, 'cause you spend $500 and only wear ti half a year.
    November 26th, 2011 at 12:08am
    • brolic; large, massive, manly; yo, did you see that brolic ass dude? he could carry like ten of us.
    • gringo/a; caucasian, or of a caucasian like quality; pfft, elisa's got that gringa hair! or yea, i'm watching casi casi. the only sad thing is my gringa ass has to watch it with the subtitles.
    • dumb; a lot, or very; he was dumb angry
    • hick; a stereotypical hispanic person; stop speaking spanglish in class, that's some hick shit!
    • you woulda thought; a phrase commonly used instead of, "i don't think so." or more simply, "hell no."; ex - "can i copy your homework?"
      "bitch, you woulda thought."
    • violatin'; to bother or harass someone but when said sounds more like "violin"; you don't understand, i was violatin' her!
    • cut your ass; to insult; you got a fifty? alright, i'm about to cut your ass, watch.
    • wavy; cool, popular, in style; kid cudi? man, his shit is wavy.
    • OD; overdone, too much, in excess, ridiculous; perry gave us OD work over thanksgiving break, i didn't do it. he woulda thought.
    • 'ta bien; okay said the spanish way; ex - "i'm leaving now, ight?"
      "'ta bien"
    • hit me up; text me; kk guys, going out this weekend, hit me up!
    • pickney; jamaican for children; ex - "haha, you're mad dumb, you failed the test."
      "stop it!"
    • mad; similar to OD & dumb, very; that new album was mad wavy, my dude.
    • sucio/a; spanish word for dirty or filthy, an insult calling someone/thing disgusting, dirty, or simply belittling them; psh, sucio. shut up.
    • cuff/cuffin'; to go out, or the actions done while going out; that's your best friend? why don't y'all cuff?
    • hero; a sandwich, known to the rest of the world as a sub or a hoagie i believe; yo man, can i get a hero for three fifty?
    • deuces; goodbye; "ight, i'm out. deuces!
    • i'm about to dip/i'm dippin'; a phrase that means i'm leaving; 'ta bien, i'm dippin'. dueces!
    • corny; generic; yo, your raps are mad corny
    • houston st.; a street locating the start of the village (NoHo & SoHo) most commonly pronounced to new yorkers as house-ton, but to tourists as houston, there is much debate about who is right; so you take the two express to fourteenth street and head towards houston.
    • jeetyet; what is supposed to be, "did you eat yet?"; yo, papi jeetyet?
    • goin' in; a phrase referring to sex; nah, man. i was goin' in. no me importa what you say.
    • downtown; usually referring to manhattan as a general area when in the bronx, queens, or brooklyn; i'm going downtown this weekend, wanna come?
    i live in the bronx, my list is never ending Crazy i'm just gonna stop here for now!

    there is also the stereotypical overuse of the word nigga or the phrases "my nigga" & "nigga said" but i refuse to condone/use that.
    December 11th, 2011 at 04:03am
  • bawler=awesome/cool
    allons-y=lets go (more for the Dr. Who fanatics)
    December 11th, 2011 at 05:18am
  • cheechako; Someone new to our state.
    termination dust; First snow of the winter.
    lower 48; Continental U.S
    going outside; leaving the state.
    sourdough; someone who has lived here their whole life.
    bear insurance; guns
    bullchitna; bullshit
    road construction; summer

    That's all I could think of.
    December 11th, 2011 at 09:05am
  • flatlander - someone from massachusetts, connecticut, new york or rhode island.
    new holland - blue.
    skinningut - skin-and-gut, as in "y'all gonna skinningut that deer or do i gotta do it myself?"

    if you couldn't tell, i live smack in the middle of hick city, usa. Rolling Eyes
    December 11th, 2011 at 07:15pm
  • He/she wants your nuts - He/she thinks you are hot. Whether you actually have nuts is irrelevant.
    December 11th, 2011 at 07:19pm
  • allow - a way of saying 'that's ridiculous' or 'oh my God.'
    oh my days - another way of saying 'oh my God.'
    sick - cool/great/fantastic
    black man - a phrase that a few people use to describe someone who is tough; generally intended as a compliment.
    KG 5 - the name everyone gives to our local park. Its full name is 'King George V Playing Fields.'
    fit - someone who is goodlooking (not sure whether this one is used more widely or just where I live).

    I'm sure I'll think of some more soon.
    December 11th, 2011 at 09:29pm
  • There's tons and tons of slang used here. I don't understand most of it. All of those farmers talk in their dialects and I'm not even from here. Facepalm I won't post it here, though, cause it's all Dutch and way too much. tehe
    December 11th, 2011 at 09:45pm
  • Dug this thread up 'cause I thought of some more...

    Doe'd :: Super fucked up/high, especially on any type of opiate
    Salty :: Pissed off
    Spoutin' off :: Talking too much
    Tar :: Black tar heroin
    Jezebel :: A slutty girl
    Chad :: Any typical douchey "bro" type of guy
    Stella/Jennifer :: Female equivalent of a chad
    Trying to function :: Too sober
    Stoge/Stogie/Square :: All words for cigarette
    July 5th, 2012 at 03:02pm
  • Rural/Regional Australia:

    Ganga/Derro/Bogan - An unrefined person
    Booze - Alcohol
    She'll be right - Everything will be fine
    Beyond the black stump - In the middle of nowhere
    Back of Burke - Same as above
    Fair dinkum - Fair enough
    Battler - Someone living below the poverty line
    Cadbury - A light drinker (Comes from the slogan, 'A glass and a half in every block.')
    Mongrel - A villainous person
    Shooting your mouth off - Talking very quickly
    A few roos loose in the top paddock - Going crazy
    Strewth/Blimey - An exclamation of disbelief
    Townie - Someone who lives in an urban area
    Maroon/Cane toad - A Queenslander
    Roach - Someone from New South Wales
    Tradie - Someone who works in skilled labour (bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, etc.)
    Mate - A friend
    Bloke - A man
    Sheila - A young woman
    Mrs - A female significant other
    Barbie - Barbecue
    Snag/Banga - A sausage
    Ranga - A red-head
    Bimbo - An air-headed woman
    Mozzie - A mosquito
    The raw prawn - A bad deal (eg. 'Don't try to come the raw prawn with me!')
    Better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick - Better than nothing
    Chuffed - Happy
    Jackeroo - A male stockperson
    Jilleroo - A female stockperson
    Bloody - A word used for emphasis (eg. 'A bloody legend!')
    Legend/Ripper - A good person
    Blotto - To drink until you pass out
    Up **** creek without a paddle - In trouble
    Beaut/Beauty/Bonza - Fantastic
    Footy - Football (AFL or Rugby)
    Stuffed around - Inconvenienced
    Green - New at something
    Jumper/Roo - Kangaroo
    Dunny - Toilet
    Slammer - Jail
    Hmm, I think we have a few. I'll look online and see which ones I actually say..

    Bloke: A male.
    Blowie : Blowfly.
    Crook : To be sick or no good
    Footy: Refers to either Rugby League, Rugby Union, or Australian Rules football, which is very popular in Melbourne. (I use it to refer to AFL (Australian Rules football, as I'm from Melbourne)
    Fair dinkum : True, genuine; an assertion of truth or genuineness.
    Mate : Friend, buddy. The great Australian leveller. Anyone can be your mate, from the Prime Minister to the bloke next‑door. Also, affectionate term for a close friend. “G’Day mate,” is a common Aussie greeting. (I never actually say 'G'day mate, neither does anyone I know, but I use mate alot...)
    Mozzie : Mosquito
    No worries: Don’t worry, everything is okay.
    Shout: To pay for a round of drinks, also used when buying anything for another person. In an Aussie pub you’ll often hear, “It’s your shout, mate.”
    Snag: a sausage
    Barbie: Barbecue
    Tomato sauce: Ketchup
    Ute: Utility truck or pick‑up truck.

    Holy crap, I never knew how much Australian slang I actually use..
    I'm Australian if that wasn't already obvious.. ahahah
    I didn't even realise 'shout' and 'tomato sauce' were Australian...
    July 9th, 2012 at 07:00am
  • I'm from Nottingham, England.

    O'rayte?: You alright? (O'rayte then: Alright then.)
    Pop: Not that many say this. We normally just say the name of the fizzy drink.
    Innit: Isn't it.
    Shyzer: A discreet way of saying 'shit'. eg. You little shyzer.
    Bullfuck: Another word for bullshit. Just a lot more vulgar, because where I live, being vulgar means that the situation is bad.
    Snake: A sly 'player'. A player being someone who goes around leading people on to think they like them.

    If I think of any more - I'll add them.
    July 9th, 2012 at 08:44am
  • I live in Singapore and the term used to describe the "slang" here is Singlish. English is the first language here, but it seems Singaporeans like to add lah, hor, meh or whatever crap-sounding words at the end of the sentence.


    "You know ha, that boy very naughty leh."

    "Dunno meh? There's a sale going on there."

    "I want to eat lah, stop disturbing, please."

    This is something which make me cringe with embarrasment from the rest of the world. That, and our sense of kiasu-ism. Facepalm
    July 9th, 2012 at 08:45am
  • @ notweirdbutunique
    Is kiasu like manners, or empathy? Like emotional/social intelligence?

    There are heaps of Malaysian students at my uni and they all use 'lah'.
    July 9th, 2012 at 09:10am
  • @ spacejunkie
    Kiasu is something like our attitude. For example, rushing into the train before letting others alight first, just to get seats for themselves. Another thing is that, Singaporeans are greedy when it comes to free gifts. So usually when there's a freebie thing going on, you'll get to see a long queue at the designated place way before the shop's even opened. I'm not saying that everyone in Singapore does this, but I find majority of them do and it disgusts me.

    Most Malaysians are Malay in their ethnicity (I'm a Malay as well), and 'lah' is a word used in our mother tongue. So when we speak Malay, it's fine to have 'lah' inside as it's a part of our language.
    July 9th, 2012 at 09:28am
  • I live in Reno, NV. I say these things on a regular basis (as do my friends).

    Stoge - short for "stogie" which is another word for a cigarette.
    bum - usually means borrow or it's used whenever you're asking somebody for something (e.g. "hey, can I bum a stoge off you?")
    dumbass - meaning "very," or an excessive amount, like, "that dress was dumbass expensive."
    in a minute - meaning a long time, e.g. "hey, I haven't seen you in a minute!"
    hella days - same as above, only it makes a little more sense than "in a minute." XD pretty much means "a hell of a long time."
    ganja/bud - marijuana
    Norcal - Northern California
    Northsac - Northern Sacramento
    Cali - California, obviously.
    fool - pretty much the equivalent of "dude." like, "hey, fool, what's up?"
    dawg - same as above.

    "I haven't seen you in hella days, fool! Want to go up to Northsac with me and smoke some ganja? But I need to go to the store first and buy some stoges."

    Probably sounds insane to anyone else, but it's normal for me. XD
    July 10th, 2012 at 02:19pm
  • I live in Juarez City, Mexico. These words are all in Spanish.

    Motombo: Big. Fat.
    "Ese wey esta bien motombo."

    Tumbado: Someone who is involved with the drug cartels.
    "El cabron este anda tumbado."

    No mames: Do not attempt to translate this one to English; it literally means "don't suck" but it's used to be the equivalent of "you gotta be kidding me"
    "No mames! Que te pasa?"

    Chavo(a): Chavo is for guy; chava is for girl.
    "El chavo este y aquella chava ya andan."

    Que barrio? - This is mostly used by gang members, but among friends we use it when we're joking. It's asking for what gang you belong to.
    "Que barrio puto?!"

    Jareoso: Used mainly when playing or watching football (what in U.S. is known as soccer). It's used when one guy takes control of the ball the whole time and won't pass it over to any of his/her team mates.
    "Pinche jareoso este. Ya sueltala culero!"

    Va a querer o que? - Used among friends to joke around. It means "Want some or what?" not in the sexual connotation, though; it was normally used by gang members when they were inciting a fight.
    "Va a querer o que?"
    "Pos arres!"

    Hacer de olas: arguing
    "Me la estas haciendo de olas? Arre, chavo."

    Se te va a caer el canton: Again, used to joke around; it was used by gang members, but we normally used it among friends. It literaly means "Your house is gonna fall down" but it is used as if saying "you're gonna go down".
    "Se te va a caer el canton!"
    "Ps salele!"

    Me vale verga: I don't care. Though verga means penis.
    "Ay, no mames. Ya estuvo, me vale verga."

    A la verga: Fuck it.
    "A la verga contigo!"

    Futbol: This is the Mexican adaptation to football. We refer to it as soccer. Football, the one known in the U.S. is known as Futbol Americano.

    There a lot more. Waaaaay more, but I'm too lazy to keep writing Weird a la verga lmfao
    July 10th, 2012 at 03:09pm
  • Danse Macabre.:
    • brolic; large, massive, manly; yo, did you see that brolic ass dude? he could carry like ten of us.
    • gringo/a; caucasian, or of a caucasian like quality; pfft, elisa's got that gringa hair! or yea, i'm watching casi casi. the only sad thing is my gringa ass has to watch it with the subtitles.
    • dumb; a lot, or very; he was dumb angry
    • hick; a stereotypical hispanic person; stop speaking spanglish in class, that's some hick shit!
    • you woulda thought; a phrase commonly used instead of, "i don't think so." or more simply, "hell no."; ex - "can i copy your homework?"
      "bitch, you woulda thought."
    • violatin'; to bother or harass someone but when said sounds more like "violin"; you don't understand, i was violatin' her!
    • cut your ass; to insult; you got a fifty? alright, i'm about to cut your ass, watch.
    • wavy; cool, popular, in style; kid cudi? man, his shit is wavy.
    • OD; overdone, too much, in excess, ridiculous; perry gave us OD work over thanksgiving break, i didn't do it. he woulda thought.
    • 'ta bien; okay said the spanish way; ex - "i'm leaving now, ight?"
      "'ta bien"
    • hit me up; text me; kk guys, going out this weekend, hit me up!
    • pickney; jamaican for children; ex - "haha, you're mad dumb, you failed the test."
      "stop it!"
    • mad; similar to OD & dumb, very; that new album was mad wavy, my dude.
    • sucio/a; spanish word for dirty or filthy, an insult calling someone/thing disgusting, dirty, or simply belittling them; psh, sucio. shut up.
    • cuff/cuffin'; to go out, or the actions done while going out; that's your best friend? why don't y'all cuff?
    • hero; a sandwich, known to the rest of the world as a sub or a hoagie i believe; yo man, can i get a hero for three fifty?
    • deuces; goodbye; "ight, i'm out. deuces!
    • i'm about to dip/i'm dippin'; a phrase that means i'm leaving; 'ta bien, i'm dippin'. dueces!
    • corny; generic; yo, your raps are mad corny
    • houston st.; a street locating the start of the village (NoHo & SoHo) most commonly pronounced to new yorkers as house-ton, but to tourists as houston, there is much debate about who is right; so you take the two express to fourteenth street and head towards houston.
    • jeetyet; what is supposed to be, "did you eat yet?"; yo, papi jeetyet?
    • goin' in; a phrase referring to sex; nah, man. i was goin' in. no me importa what you say.
    • downtown; usually referring to manhattan as a general area when in the bronx, queens, or brooklyn; i'm going downtown this weekend, wanna come?
    i live in the bronx, my list is never ending Crazy i'm just gonna stop here for now!

    there is also the stereotypical overuse of the word nigga or the phrases "my nigga" & "nigga said" but i refuse to condone/use that.
    Same exact things in Philly!

    he got no pics - that person will do anything, and not fear the consequences
    grind you up - ridicule someone
    grind time - can either refer to a time of working hard to earn money, or a time of constant mockery
    yams - vagina
    fuck out of here - really?
    you high - your statement is incorrect
    eem - referring to'him'

    All I can think of for now...
    July 10th, 2012 at 09:25pm
  • In addition to my other post on this page:

    The sticks- the middle of nowhere. Eg. I live out in the sticks.
    July 20th, 2012 at 12:59pm
  • @ notweirdbutunique
    I think I remember now. I've seen a Singapore McDonald's ad for the $1 menu. This guy gets into a taxi, but it's stopped at a red light. When the taxi driver asks him where he wants to go, he says, 'Ummmmm,' until the light goes green, to avoid paying the extra buck while the cab is idling.

    So, a kiasu is a thrifty person? Or a cheapskate?
    July 20th, 2012 at 01:06pm
  • ’Up brew’ means uphill (I don’t even know).
    Mint and boss both mean great (‘that new shirt is mint!’).
    We call the people who we think are awesome ‘ledges’. It’s short for legends, and confuses a lot of people when you say that an old member of my class was a ‘ledge’, but it makes more sense than most of our slang.
    A lot of people say mard. If you’re a fan of the Arctic Monkeys, then you’ll know the song Mardy Bum. I don’t live in Sheffield, but we share that slang with them and it basically means that the person is moody and takes things too far.
    We also say pop instead of fizzy drink.

    I live in a suburb of Manchester in England, right next to a council estate famous for drugs and murders.
    July 20th, 2012 at 01:06pm