Pet Help/Questions? Ask Here.

  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    I hope this thread wasn't just meant for fish ...

    Anyway, one of my mice, Ted, has a problem with scratching himself until he bleeds. I have a medicinal ointment for it, which worked. But now he's scratching until the areas around his eyes are bleeding a little. I obviously can't put the mediciine from the vet on his face (first off, he said I couldn't, and second, I wouldn't anyway) so does anybody have any suggestions on what I can do?

    He's so adorable Cry I hate seeing him that way.
    I've never had a mouse before, but maybe you can find or fashion something similar to this. I know it's used to stop dogs from scratching their faces or biting/licking a part of their body that recently under went surgery. My cat had one when his tail was broken. I don't know how a mouse would react to something like that, but maybe if it works and he has it on for awhile he'll get used to not touching his face and break the habit.

    Just a suggestion.
    August 8th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • Fedex

    Fedex (100)

    United States
    I have a Guinea Pig and it keeps making weird noises besides it's normal oinking. It's kind of old and I don't know what to do or if I should worry about it. She seems fine when she's making the sounds, but then again I'm afraid I might be overlooking something.

    Guinea Pig expierence?
    August 9th, 2009 at 01:05am
  • lydiajudith

    lydiajudith (100)

    United States
    My cat's recently have been throwing up a lot. I think it might be because they will
    drink tiolet water and some times my brothers don't flush so they end up drinking pee.
    Is that why their throwing up?
    August 10th, 2009 at 01:47am
  • Fedex

    Fedex (100)

    United States
    My cat's recently have been throwing up a lot. I think it might be because they will
    drink tiolet water and some times my brothers don't flush so they end up drinking pee.
    Is that why their throwing up?
    Could be that, or maybe their food? Have you changed it recently? If I were you I’d watch them for the next few days and see if they’re getting into anything that could possibly make them sick.
    August 10th, 2009 at 07:27am
  • play dead.

    play dead. (100)

    United Kingdom
    My hamster keeps squeaking, I have no clue why he's doing it, he went to the vets a few days ago and she says he's healthy, but he's constantly squeaking, does anyone know why he might be doing it?. Sad
    August 25th, 2009 at 11:56am
  • Beau Bokan

    Beau Bokan (100)

    United States
    OH. EM. GEE.

    Okay so recently my dog had another fight with my big dog and now I'm keeping him inside. He has this seperation anxiety thing, so when I leave the room he just freaks out and cries and scratches the door like crazy. His nails bleed so much when I'm not with him. I tried putting him in the kennel I have but he got stuck in the gate. I cant be with him 24/7 and I cant put him back outside. What do I do?
    February 22nd, 2010 at 12:00am
  • YING

    YING (100)

    I have an eight week old beagle puppy. I got him when he was six weeks of age. Ever since then, I gave him moist dog food (vitality). But as of today, he hasn't eaten yet. The last time he ate was this morning. Whenever I would ask him to eat, he would just lick or eat some of it, but never eat them all. What do I do? Should I observe at him for a few days or should I take him to the vet now?

    nvm. he's okay now. :3
    March 6th, 2010 at 12:27pm
  • Hoofbeat

    Hoofbeat (100)

    play dead.:
    My hamster keeps squeaking, I have no clue why he's doing it, he went to the vets a few days ago and she says he's healthy, but he's constantly squeaking, does anyone know why he might be doing it?. Sad
    Hamsters squeak naturally, whether it's because they are afraid of something in their cage to being insecure about being left alone, or just plain attention. If it's just a baby I would recommend putting a fluffy toy or something in there to make him feel less alone. Although, if the vet says he's healthy, believe them, they know what they are talking about.
    April 26th, 2010 at 09:37pm
  • Hoofbeat

    Hoofbeat (100)

    OH. EM. GEE.

    Okay so recently my dog had another fight with my big dog and now I'm keeping him inside. He has this seperation anxiety thing, so when I leave the room he just freaks out and cries and scratches the door like crazy. His nails bleed so much when I'm not with him. I tried putting him in the kennel I have but he got stuck in the gate. I cant be with him 24/7 and I cant put him back outside. What do I do?
    You should try to show him that you being gone is not always a bad thing. For a few minutes at a time, start by just keeping him in another room, leave him a minute or two, then let him out. Praise him if he doesn't scratch etc.. Just keep repeating until he learns, eventually try leaving him for longer periods of time each time, and after awhile, he should understand that it's okay.
    April 26th, 2010 at 09:40pm
  • spazzo.mate

    spazzo.mate (100)

    New Zealand
    My fish is sitting on the bottom of his tank and his tail is slowly turning transparent.
    I changed his water, i purified his water and fed him, I don't know whats wrong?
    May 16th, 2010 at 10:03am
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    My fish is sitting on the bottom of his tank and his tail is slowly turning transparent.
    I changed his water, i purified his water and fed him, I don't know whats wrong?
    If he's a beta fish, this is what happened to mine a lot right before they died, so it may be a sign Cry

    Also, on another note, I need help with my cat. He's about ten months old and I got him from a friend when he was just a kitten. He was fine and potty trained when he came, but for the first three days he wouldn't eat or drink anything which messed with his digestive system (though we think that's also worked out by now). His litter box is always kept clean and because of our dog - he's sick, so we can't have the cat downstairs stressing him as they don't always get along - he is kept upstairs in my bedroom, where most of my time is spent. When I'm not home, someone else will go in a visit him, he gets plenty of attention, love, and discipline, but for some reason, some days he just decides not to use his litter box. We check it and it's perfectly clean, we've been putting his food bowl next to the spot he messes as that's what our vet said, yet this problem just keeps happening. It's not that he doesn't know what to do, it's that he just misbehaves. My mum is ready to give up on him, nothing is working. Someone please help?
    July 8th, 2010 at 09:16pm
  • kaleidoscope.

    kaleidoscope. (250)

    United States
    If he's a beta fish, this is what happened to mine a lot right before they died, so it may be a sign Cry

    Also, on another note, I need help with my cat. He's about ten months old and I got him from a friend when he was just a kitten. He was fine and potty trained when he came, but for the first three days he wouldn't eat or drink anything which messed with his digestive system (though we think that's also worked out by now). His litter box is always kept clean and because of our dog - he's sick, so we can't have the cat downstairs stressing him as they don't always get along - he is kept upstairs in my bedroom, where most of my time is spent. When I'm not home, someone else will go in a visit him, he gets plenty of attention, love, and discipline, but for some reason, some days he just decides not to use his litter box. We check it and it's perfectly clean, we've been putting his food bowl next to the spot he messes as that's what our vet said, yet this problem just keeps happening. It's not that he doesn't know what to do, it's that he just misbehaves. My mum is ready to give up on him, nothing is working. Someone please help?
    Hm, my dogs do the same. They're housebroken, but won't use their blue pads sometimes.
    They often go on the carpet, which my mom gets really annoyed with.

    Does your cat go beside the litter box? Maybe he just misses.
    August 12th, 2010 at 07:32am
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    The Violet Veela:
    Hm, my dogs do the same. They're housebroken, but won't use their blue pads sometimes.
    They often go on the carpet, which my mom gets really annoyed with.

    Does your cat go beside the litter box? Maybe he just misses.
    Nope, he walks downstairs and goes down their or walks across the room and goes.
    August 20th, 2010 at 07:50am
  • divine glamour;

    divine glamour; (100)

    United States
    Today while I was giving my hamster new food and water, I noticed she was pushing herself through her two food dishes (she has two cause she's picky and won't eat the same thing day after day). Anyways, I touched her to get her to move (she doesn't like people touching her) but she just stayed there and and kind of shook. I took out the dishes and got her moving, but when she moved it was almost like she was a new born, like how they stumble around. I had noticed she wasn't opening her eyes, and while she moved she stayed in this hunched like position.

    Ten minutes later I got her into this pet carrier thing that came with the cage and checked her out. I noticed her bottom and tail were wet so I had called the emergency vet hospital. I asked if it was Wet Tail but they wouldn't tell me anything without having me bring her three hours away just to look at her, which would also cost $120 which is something I don't have at the moment. I looked up Wet Tail and everything and I was wondering if there was something I could do to make sure she lives until I can get her into the vet down the road in the morning.

    I really hope some one can help me out, cause bawling my eyes out isn't doing a damn thing.

    It doesn't matter anymore, she died this morning.
    October 18th, 2010 at 06:40am
  • Red.

    Red. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Okay, this isn't a major life/death situation, but...
    Well, I got a chihuahua for my birthday, and he was already a year old and we were told he was clean in the house.
    But, well, he's not. He was okay for a while, but now we'll put him outside to go to the toilet, and when we bring him back in he pees all over the kitchen floor! I don't know what to do because my mum says that if he doesn't behave in the next few weeks, she's going to get rid of him.
    Any suggestions on how to get him to be a good little dog?
    November 23rd, 2010 at 06:31pm
  • volta.

    volta. (1000)

    New Zealand
    Okay, this isn't a major life/death situation, but...
    Well, I got a chihuahua for my birthday, and he was already a year old and we were told he was clean in the house.
    But, well, he's not. He was okay for a while, but now we'll put him outside to go to the toilet, and when we bring him back in he pees all over the kitchen floor! I don't know what to do because my mum says that if he doesn't behave in the next few weeks, she's going to get rid of him.
    Any suggestions on how to get him to be a good little dog?
    This requires dedication and standing out in the cold weather.

    This works, but I don't know if you'd be a fan of doing it - I know I'm not. If you have a cage...a really decent sized one, you put newspaper on the ground of it, put a bed in there for the dog, and a bowl of water and biscuits...maybe a few toys. The dog will associate it as his home/bed, so he will learn not to mess in it. That might also help him not to mess inside.

    Also, take him outside when he wakes up in the morning, after he's had breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper, take him outside after he's had naps, take him outside before you go to bed. You have to be super dedicated to this, and get him used to the word, 'toilet.' So if you say toilet, he'll know what he's out there for...especially when he does go toilet.

    Also, if he does pee/poop, then crouch down and fuss him and say, "good toilet." Because then he'll know that he's meant to do it outside.

    And if he's going back inside and probably means you haven't been outside with him long enough.

    Or if he's being naughty, lock him up in a cage or put him in the laundry with newspaper all over the floor.

    But because he's older than a puppy - it will be a bit harder to toilet train him.
    December 2nd, 2010 at 12:38am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    Okay, this isn't a major life/death situation, but...
    Well, I got a chihuahua for my birthday, and he was already a year old and we were told he was clean in the house.
    But, well, he's not. He was okay for a while, but now we'll put him outside to go to the toilet, and when we bring him back in he pees all over the kitchen floor! I don't know what to do because my mum says that if he doesn't behave in the next few weeks, she's going to get rid of him.
    Any suggestions on how to get him to be a good little dog?
    Honestly, little dogs are notorious for this, and it's something you accept when you great breed like that. It makes the situation worse that he's an older dog.

    Have you considered getting pee pads for inside? That might be the best compromise.

    It sounds like he's trying though, if he goes outside. You just need to keep him out there until he pees, even if it takes half an hour.
    December 2nd, 2010 at 10:15pm
  • M. Hatter

    M. Hatter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I got a kitten a while back, a few months back; she lovely and adorable but I do have a few questions.

    She has a tendency to sit right by me when I eat or actually sit on my plate. I've been told to lightly tap her nose and say no, though I don't know whether this is a good idea or not and I always feel guilty. Is there any way to stop her doing this?

    Also, she has a terrible habit at the moment of picking up anything she can find, particularly razors, and playing with them/carrying them about the house. I try to put things in higher places, or places she can't find but she always gets them again. Does anyone have any suggestions? Will I have to just lock everything up?

    Also, currently, she's not spade or microchipped so we aren't letting her outside. Not only for those reasons, but we're worried about letting her outside because we live near a trainline.
    I've read in several places that it isn't good for cats to stay inside all of the time. Is this true?
    Once she's spade and microchipped, we were going to start considering letting her out but we're really worried she'll get hit or she won't come back.

    And one last question, sorry!
    I also have a pet rabbit, who lives in the house. He has his own cage but, being a house rabbit, he is able to have a free run of the house too. Our kitten at first was frightened of him, but now she likes to climb on him and play with him, sometimes using her teeth. The rabbit doesn't seem too bothered by this and she doesn't seem to hurt him at all.
    Is she thinking of him as prey or is she simply playing? And should I encourage or tell her off for doing it?
    December 20th, 2010 at 05:53am
  • volta.

    volta. (1000)

    New Zealand
    I don't know much about cats, but I'm sure if you keep tapping her nose and saying, 'no,' while she tries to sit on your plate she might stop it eventually. Or, you could put down her food for her whilst your eating or something of the likes. Or lock her in another room.

    She's still quite young, so she wants to play with anything, I guess. :) You'll just have to place things in higher places so she won't play with them. Think of it as having a toddler around - because it's exactly the same. :)

    I don't think it's healthy for anything to stay inside all day everyday. If you're very worried about it, you could buy a collar and a leash for the kitten and walk her around outside until she is spade and microchipped, that way you could attach some rope to the leash and tie her up and let her have a wander around outside. :) Also, usually when some animals are spade...they do calm down quite a bit. So, she might not even wander too far once she's spade.

    As long as you tell the kitten off when she uses her teeth then I'm sure the two can be friends and play together. You'll just have to keep a bit of an eye out. :)
    December 22nd, 2010 at 03:47am
  • Monroe;

    Monroe; (615)

    M. Hatter:
    I got a kitten a while back, a few months back; she lovely and adorable but I do have a few questions.

    She has a tendency to sit right by me when I eat or actually sit on my plate. I've been told to lightly tap her nose and say no, though I don't know whether this is a good idea or not and I always feel guilty. Is there any way to stop her doing this?

    Also, she has a terrible habit at the moment of picking up anything she can find, particularly razors, and playing with them/carrying them about the house. I try to put things in higher places, or places she can't find but she always gets them again. Does anyone have any suggestions? Will I have to just lock everything up?

    Also, currently, she's not spade or microchipped so we aren't letting her outside. Not only for those reasons, but we're worried about letting her outside because we live near a trainline.
    I've read in several places that it isn't good for cats to stay inside all of the time. Is this true?
    Once she's spade and microchipped, we were going to start considering letting her out but we're really worried she'll get hit or she won't come back.

    And one last question, sorry!
    I also have a pet rabbit, who lives in the house. He has his own cage but, being a house rabbit, he is able to have a free run of the house too. Our kitten at first was frightened of him, but now she likes to climb on him and play with him, sometimes using her teeth. The rabbit doesn't seem too bothered by this and she doesn't seem to hurt him at all.
    Is she thinking of him as prey or is she simply playing? And should I encourage or tell her off for doing it?
    You've got a little kitty, so she'll be an absolute nuisance for a while. Cats are very playful, kittens even more so. To keep her off your plate, you could use water in a small spray bottle. Anything she comes to sit on the plate, firmly tell her no. If she continues to advance bring out the water bottle and spray a little bit of water at her, she'll more that likely back away. If she tries it the net day, tell her no, if she advances show her the water bottle - cats are intelligent animals and they'll recognise something they dislike, so hopefully she'll get the message.

    As for the picking things up, she'll always do it. They are so playful. My boyfriend's cat even catches live mice and plays with them, anything goes with a kitten, their very curious. You're just going to have to be extremely careful, especially if she's picking up razor blades.

    As for staying inside, I think it depends on the cats personality. My aunt had a cat that was terrified of the outdoors and preferred staying inside, but my boyfriend's car cries if she's not allowed out. For your kitten, definatly wait until she's spayed and chipped. After spending so much time in the house, she'll have learned where home is and when you first leave her out, she'll probably stick around the front garden and as she's grows more custom to the surroundings and identifies the dangers, she'll wonder a little, but she'll come back.

    Definalty don't encourage it. Kittens will sue their claws without realising the danger, it's just how they play and a kittens bite doesn't really hurt anyway. But if she gets used to this behavior, when she becomes an adult cat she may use her claws in the wrong way. Just be very careful of the claws.
    April 11th, 2011 at 11:59am