Name -
Nicknames -
Age -
Sex -
Straight/bi-sexual/gay? -
Hair colour -
Hair style -
Is it dyed? -
Eye colour -
Wear glasses or contacts? -
Wear eyeliner? -
Mascara? -
Lip stick? -
Lip gloss? -
Blusher? -
False eyelashes? -
Do you think your pretty? -
Why? -
Height -
Weight -
Favourite shop -
Shoe type -
Clothing label -
What are you wearing right now? -
Any piercings? -
When did you get them? -
Want any? -
Tattoos? -
Want any? -
Are you wearing a necklace right now? -
A bracelet? -
A ring? -
Are you interested in fashion? -
Favourite book? -
What book are you reading at the moment? -
Who's your favourite author? -
What's your favourite story genre? -
Favourite film? -
Any film you want to see? -
Favourite actor? -
What about actress? -
Ever starred in a movie? -
Favourite film genre? -
Favourite TV program? -
Ever been on TV? -
What channel do you watch most? -
What do you secretly watch? -
Favourite band/singer? -
Who inspires you? -
What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? -
What are you listening to right now? -
Play an instrument? -
Why? -
Anyone inspire you to? -
How long have you been playing it? -
Hair colour? -
Hair style? -
Eye colour? -
Glasses or contacts? -
Wear make-up? -
Height? -
Weight? -
Personality or looks? -
Skinny or muscly? -
Love or lust? -
Shy or outgoing? -
Rebel or Jock? -
Cowboy or Gangster? -
What five things could you reach right now? -
Is anyone in the room with you? -
What are you eating? -
What are you drinking? -
What time is it? -
Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? -
Are you on MSN right now? -
Bebo? -
Facebook? -
Myspace? -
How are you feeling right now? -
Did you like this survey?
Name -
Nicknames -
Age -
Sex -
Straight/bi-sexual/gay? -
Hair colour -
Hair style -
Is it dyed? -
Eye colour -
Wear glasses or contacts? -
Wear eyeliner? -
Mascara? -
Lip stick? -
Lip gloss? -
Blusher? -
False eyelashes? -
Do you think your pretty? -
Why? -
Height -
Weight -
Favourite shop -
Shoe type -
Clothing label -
What are you wearing right now? -
Any piercings? -
When did you get them? -
Want any? -
Tattoos? -
Want any? -
Are you wearing a necklace right now? -
A bracelet? -
A ring? -
Are you interested in fashion? -
Favourite book? -
What book are you reading at the moment? -
Who's your favourite author? -
What's your favourite story genre? -
Favourite film? -
Any film you want to see? -
Favourite actor? -
What about actress? -
Ever starred in a movie? -
Favourite film genre? -
Favourite TV program? -
Ever been on TV? -
What channel do you watch most? -
What do you secretly watch? -
Favourite band/singer? -
Who inspires you? -
What lyrics are your favourite at the moment? -
What are you listening to right now? -
Play an instrument? -
Why? -
Anyone inspire you to? -
How long have you been playing it? -
Hair colour? -
Hair style? -
Eye colour? -
Glasses or contacts? -
Wear make-up? -
Height? -
Weight? -
Personality or looks? -
Skinny or muscly? -
Love or lust? -
Shy or outgoing? -
Rebel or Jock? -
Cowboy or Gangster? -
What five things could you reach right now? -
Is anyone in the room with you? -
What are you eating? -
What are you drinking? -
What time is it? -
Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer? -
Are you on MSN right now? -
Bebo? -
Facebook? -
Myspace? -
How are you feeling right now? -
Did you like this survey?
May 14th, 2009 at 07:17pm